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Grand Orient Freemasonry unmasked

Grand Orient Freemasonry unmasked as the secret power behind Communism

The following text is an excerpt, from the foreword of Denis Fahey, in the book "The Masonic Lodge of the Great East is uncovered as the hidden power behind Communism " pages 9-19, by George F. Dillon, Britons Publishing Company, London 1965, (Grand Orient Freemasonry unmasked as the secret power behind Communism)

translator's note: The writer is a supporter of the frankish-Pope, but since here he analyzes the relationship

between Freemasonry and Zionism, and the opposition of both, to Christianity, we do not consider it necessary to refer here, on the distinction between Frankish-Popism and Orthodoxy.

What he writes

also expresses the positions of Orthodoxy, except from the references to the Pope, since for Orthodoxy

the leader of the Church is Christ,

no man is infallible, and furthermore

Jesus's Kingdom is in Heaven, and it is not an earthly power, like the one Charlemagne wanted to institute.


His object was to give a clear outline

of "the whole question of secret atheistic organisation, it's origin, it's nature, it's history in the last century and in this, and it's unity of Satanic purpose

in a wonderful diversity of forms."

He found that it was necessary to do this, because "very few, if any, attempts have been made

in our language to treat the subject as a whole. Several writers appear to assume as known

that which was really unknown to very many,

and few touched upon the fact, of the supreme direction

given to the universality of secret societies from a guiding, governing and -even to the rank and file

of the members of the secret societies themselves- unknown invisible junta".

Mgr Dillon does not speak explicitly,

of the two currents of thought and action proceeding from the masonic French Revolution, namely

the current of Rousseauist-Lockian-Masonic Liberalism and the current of Socialism and Communism. *

* cf. My book, The Mystical Body of Christ

and the Reorganisation of Society

Implicitly, however, he does so

when, on the one hand, he foreshadows

the United States of Europe and World Federalism, and on the other, quotes

the infamous Declaration of the International in 1868. This Declaration, formulated

at the International Congress held at Geneva in 1868 and quoted by Mgr. Dillon in his preface,

is well worth reproducing, at least in part.

It runs as follows:

"The object of the International Association of Workmen, as of every other Socialist Association,

is to do away with the parasite and the pariah. Now, what parasite can be compared to the priest ... ?

"God and Christ, these citizen-Providences, have been at all times the armour of Capital and the most sanguinary enemies of the working classes. It is owing to God and to Christ,

that we remain to this day in slavery. It is by deluding us with lying hopes,

that the priests have caused us to accept all the suffering of this earth.

It is only after sweeping away all religion, and after tearing up even to the last roots

of every religious idea, that we can arrive at our political and social ideal ...

"Down, then, with God and with Christ! Down with the despots of heaven and earth! Death to the priests!

Such is the motto of our grand crusade."

In a note on page 20 of the original edition, Mgr. Dillon returned to the question

of the direction of Freemasonry, which he had mentioned in his preface. He there says:

"The Jewish connection with modern Freemasonry

is an established fact, everywhere manifested in it's history. The Jewish formulas employed by Freemasonry, the Jewish traditions which run through it's ceremonial, point to a Jewish origin, or to the work of Jewish contrivers ... Who knows but behind the Atheism and desire of gain which impels them to urge on Christians

to persecute the Church and destroy it, there lies a hidden hope to reconstruct their Temple, and in the darkest depths of secret society plotting there lurks a deeper society still,

which looks to a return to the land of Judah and to the building of the Temple of Jerusalem?"

These remarks can furnish

the starting point for a deeper examination of the whole question of secret societies and their action, studied in the light of the Encyclicals

of the Sovereign Pontiffs and of history.

The rejection of order by Satan and the other fallen angels was irrevocable. It was a declaration, by the whole body of them together, of perpetual war on and implacable hatred

towards the Blessed Trinity and the Supernatural Life of Grace.

The fall of the human race could be undone, because human beings can change their minds

and the human race comes into existence

successively by propagation from the first Adam. In the undoing of the Fall, however,

God permitted a second rejection of order.

In spite of the fact that they had been repeatedly warned, in types and figures, and orally by the prophets, about the way they would treat the true Messiah when He came, the Jews turned against Him to enter into His designs,

God permitted the crime of Deicide,

and by the supreme act of humble submission on Calvary, the Supernatural Life of Grace was restored to the world. Fullfilling the prophecies to the letter,

our Lord allowed Himself to be put to death, but He died proclaiming the Divine Plan for order.

God wished the Jews as a people

to accept His Only Begotten Son and to be the Heralds

of the Supernatural, supernational Life of His Mystical Body. They were thus offered the glorious privilege

of proclaiming and working for the only mode

of realising the union and brotherhood of nations which is possible since the Fall.

On account of their racial pride, they refused to accept that there could be any higher life than their national life and they would not hear of the non-Jewish nations entering into the Kingdom of the Mystical Body on the same level as themselves.

The Crucifixion of Our Lord on Calvary was, however,

not only the public rejection by the Jewish nation of the Divine Programme for order in the World, but was at the same time, the proclamation by that nation of it's determination to work against God, for the triumph of another Messiah.

Since Our Lord Jesus Christ, the True Messiah, is the Source of the Supernatural Life, through membership of His Mystical Body, the furure Messiah must be anti-supernatural or naturalistic, and membership of Christ will have to be eliminated in preparation for him.

translator's note: the term naturalism, here, does not have

the meaning of the simple love for nature, trees, flowers, which is, the meaning the term usually has in the common everyday language, but it refers to the theological concept of the (religious) worship of the creation instead of the worship of the Creator, which is the same mistake as rewarding a song instead of the composer, a painting instead of the painter, or a statue instead of the sculptor.

Many ancient religions had deified elements of nature

such as the sun, the moon, the sea, the lightning, rivers, lakes, springs, the power of nature to grow plants, the cycle of the seasons, etc.

However it must be pointed out, that the naturalism of Freemasonry, with the children of flowers (and LSD) etc, is just a mask, to hide the Jewish Kabbalah,

and it's own god, Lucifer, the devil, Satan, whom, the members of the highest degrees, actually serve consciously, something that the Freemasons above the 19th degree, suspect, if not yet absolutely sure, through demon communication ceremonies, who, of course, are anything else but atheists and materialists. More about this here: Antinomian Kabbalah and since we live in the era of censorship if the above link does not work:

Since the True Supernatural Messiah came to found the supranational kingdom of His Mystical Body into which he asked the Jewish nation to lead all nations the future Messiah must be a purely Jewish National Messiah and his mission can have no other object than to impose the rule of the Jewish nation on the other nations.

The choice presented to the Jewish nation by the coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ may be represented diagramatically as follows:

Supernatural and supranational Kingdom of the Mystical Body of Christ. The Jewish nation, instructed by the prophets.

Naturalistic ambition to impose the Rule of their nation.

The Jewish nation, instructed by the Prophets and figures of the Old Testament, and lastly, by St. John the Baptist, was meant to turn upwards, at the bidding of God become Man, and to put all its splendid natural qualities at the service of the True Supernatural order of the world.

Instead of doing so, it turned downwards to the slavery of a self-centered ambition dictated by national pride. The attitude of Saul, prior to his conversion on the road to Damaskus, is typical of the corrupt ideas concerning the mission of the Messiah which had taken hold of Jewish minds and had led them to reject Our Lord Jesus Christ. St. Paul saw the truth about the Mystical Body of Christ after his conversion and tried to get his fellow-countrymen to recognise their error, but the nation as such, refused to listen.

In his Christmas Allocution, 1948, Pope Pius XII brought out the contrast between the alternatives that faced the Jewish nation at the coming of Our Lord as follows:

"Hear, resounding in the night like the bells of Christmas, the admirable words of the Apostle to the Gentiles, who had been himself a slave to the mean, narrow prejudices of nationalist and racial pride, stricken down along with him, on the road to Damascus:

"He (Christ Jesus) is our peace who hath made both (peoples) one, killing the enmities in Himself. And coming He preached peace to you that were afar off, and peace to them that were nigh." (Ephesians 2:14-17)"

With that narrow, national outlook dictated by racial pride, which Pope Pius XII said was stricken down with St. Paul on the road to Damascus, the Jewish nation has continued on down the centuries.

That outlook has, in fact, become more accentuated with time. Accordingly, over and above the fundamental disorder of original sin, there is in our fallen and redeemed world and additional source of disorder in the determined opposition of His own nation according to the flesh of the Redeemer and source of order.

Translator's Note:

The Zionists are the EX-FAVOURITE nation of Christ, because Christ Himself told them: "Therefore say I unto you, THE KINGDOM OF GOD SHALL BE TAKEN FROM YOU, AND GIVEN TO A NATION BRINGING FORTH THE FRUITS THEREOF." (Mathew 21:43 KJV)

37 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, AND YE WOULD NOT!

38 Behold, YOUR HOUSE IS LEFT UNTO YOU DESOLATE. 39 For I say unto you,


Over and above the struggle against the self-centered tendencies of individual souls, the Church, the Mystical Body of Christ, has to face the persistent opposition of the Jewish nation. According to the leaders of the Jewish nation, now as 1900 years ago, the union of the nations is not meant by God to take place through entrance into and acceptance of the supranational Kingdom of Our Lord's Mystical Body but through acceptance of and submission to the Naturalistic Messianism of the Jewish nation.

This is made very clear in the letter from the Chief Rabbi of Palestine which appeared in The Irish Independent (Dublin)

of January 6 1948. Referring to the establishment of the new State of Israel, Rabbi Hertzog said: "Eventually it will lead to the inauguration of the true union of nations, through which will be fulfilled the eternal message to mankind, of our immortal prophets." *

* The contrast

between the Programme of Christ, the King

through His Mystical Body, the Church, and the Programme of the Jewish nation, since the rejection of Our Lord Jesus Christ before Pilate and on Calvary, is set out in parallel columns in my book, The Kingship of Christ and Organised Naturalism, p 52, 53

Jewish Naturalism or Anti-Supernaturalism, by its striving for a new Messianic age, contains a two-fold source of corruption and decay for other nations.

On the one hand, by it's opposition to the Supernatural Life coming from Our Lord, it strives directly against the Light and Strength by which alone human life, individual and national, can be lived in order.

On the other hand, whether the naturalistic Messiahs to come, be an individual Jew or the Jewish Race, it means that the Jews, as a nation,

are seeking to impose

their particular national form on the other nations The imposition by any nation, of it's national form on another nation attacks directly the natural or normal line of development of that nation and undermines its natural virtues, which are the foundation and the bulwark of the Supernatural virtues.

Thus in two ways the Jews as a nation, are objectively aiming at giving society

a direction, which is in complete opposition, to the order proclaimed by God become Man.

In spite of the unwavering

naturalistic opposition of the Jewish nation and notwithstanding the weakness of fallen human nature. Western Europe in the 13th centrury,

had accepted the program of Christ the King and had organised society on that foundation.

translator's note: This period is applicable for the Frakish-Popism, for the Orthodoxy, this applies for the state of Constantine the Great, after 315 AD. Constantine was indeed great, for a reason, that very few people mention, although the Roman Emperors were venerated and deified, Constantine refused that he was god, and encouraged the people, to venerate the HOLY TRINITY. The exact opposite of the Pope, who boasts that he is INFALLIBLE!!!

The organisation was imperfect, as all the social structures of fallen and redeemed humanity will inevitably be, but it was some response to God's loving condescension. Since then, there has been steady decay.

The uprise of Protestantism in the 16th century rent the unity of the Mystical Body of Christ. Chapter XVI

of William Thomas Walsh's splendid work, Philip II, is entitled Freemasonry in the 16th Century and shows that there was already at that time some sort of organisation, working for naturalism against ordered submissions to Christ the King.

He adds that "It is no longer debatable that

if the false leaders of the Jews did not originate the secret societies to cover their own anti-Christian activities and to influence credulous members

of the Christian communities, they had a great deal to do with the business.

The degrees and ritual of Freemasonry are shot through with Jewish symbolism: the candidate is going to the East, towards Jerusalem, he is going to rebuild the Temple ... (destroyed in fulfilment of the prophecy of Christ) The Grand Orient and Scottish Rite lodges, sources of so many modern revolutions, are more militant, more open and apparently more virulent than some of the others, whom they are leading into a single world-organisation by gradual steps". *

* Philip II, p 308, 309. The Jewish writer, Bernard Lazare, so remarkable for his hatred

of Our Divine Lord and the Catholic Church, is in full agreement with William Thomas Walsh,

who was a splendid Catholic. "It is certain", writes Lazare,

"that there were Jews at the cradle of Freemasonry, Kabbalistic Jews, as it proved

by some of the rites that have been preserved. During the years that precedede the French Revolution, they very probably entered in greater numbers still

into the councils of the society, and founded secret societies themselves. There were Jews around Weishaupt,

and Martinez de Pasqualis, a Jew of Portoguese origin, organised numerous groups of Illuminati in France, recruiting many adepts to whom he taught

the doctrine of reintegration. The lodges founded by Martinez, were mystical, whilst the other orders of Fremasonry were rather rationalist. This permits one to say, that the secret societies

represented the two sides of the Jewish mind: practical rationalisation and pantheism".

(L' Antisemitisme, p 339)

Both sides of the Jewish mind mentioned by B. Lazare, are opposed to ordered submission to God

through Our Lord Jesus Christ.

From what we know today, we can conclude that "something very much like modern freemasonry, surely in spirit and probably to a great extend in form .. existed in the lifetime of Philip II (1527-1598)". *

* Philip II, by W. T. Walsh, p 315. All those who have been brought up on "official history", would do well to examine what took place in the 16th century in the light of what William T. Walsh reveals in his book, Philip II, Isabella of Spain and Characters of the Inquisition.

What we see then, in the years following 1717, is rather the emergence into fuller light,

of a secret organised Force, aiming at enrolling

and forming groups of adepts to work for Naturalism, that is, for the denial of the Supernatural Life and the elimination of membership of Christ from society.

The Jewish nation,

is a non-secret organised naturalistic Force, that is to say, it naturalistic opposition

to the Mystical Body of Christ, is openly proclaimed. Freemasonry, the organised naturalistic Force, acting in subordination to

and in conjunction with the Jewish nation, is a secret society or group of societies, for it's naturalism or anti Supernaturalism

is secret or camouflaged. *

* For the manner in which, the Jewish nation exercises control over Freemasonry, see "The Mystical Body of Chist and the Reorganisation of Society", p 234-236.

"The Jews have swarmed into it (Freemasonry) from the earliest times and controlled the higher grades and councils of the ancient and accepted Scottish rite since the beginning of the nineteenth century". (The X-Rays in Freemasonry, by A. Cowan, p. 61)

Relatively few of it's members are fully aware

of the naturalism of it's end, it's ritual and it's symbolism. According to Anderson's Constitution of the Freemasons: the masonic society obliges it's members

to be good men and true, but instists that in order to be morally good men, it is a matter of indifference whether God's Plan, for the restoration of our Supernatural Life

through Our Lord Jesus Christ, is accepted or not.

Now, by original sin, we lost the Supernatural Life of Grace, and we need the life of Grace,

that we may live an ordered life. Yet this society proclaims, that a man can be good and true, that is, morally in order, while remaining utterly indifferent

to the unique Source of Grace, Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Divinity. That is equivalent to a denial of the Fall,

and is pure Naturalism.

In his great Encyclical Letter, Humanum Genus,

on Freemasonry, issued in 1884, Pope Leo XIII insists that "the naturalist and the Masons, not accepting by faith those truths that have been made known to us by God's revelation, deny that the first Adam fell". Thus we see the fundamental error of Freemasonry,

namely, it's Naturalism.

Again the great Pontiff points out that "the ultimate aim of Freemasonry,

is to uproot completely, the whole religious and political order of the world which has been brought into existence by Christianity, and to replace it by another,

in harmony with their way of thinking. This will mean, that the foundation and laws

of the new structure of society, will be drawn from pure Naturalism" *

* A full translation of the Encyclical Letter,

Humanum Genus, will be found in my book, The Kingship of Christ and Organised Naturalism, p 55-80.

That involves the elimination from society, of every acknowledgement

of the Supernatural Life of members of Christ.

In the Encyclical Letter, moreover, Pope Leo XIII shows the opposition to Freemasonry to five out of the six points

of the Programme for Society of Christ the King". *

* Readers will find the six points outlined

in the opening chapter of The Kingship of Christ Organised Naturalism, and on p 96-97 the opposing programmes of Christ the King and of Freemasonry are given in parallel columns.

In regard to the fifth point,

namely, the diffusion of ownership, the Pope insists upon the fact that "Freemasonry is not only, not opposed to the plans of Socialists and Communists, but looks upon them, with the greatest favour, as its leading principles are identical with theirs".

translator's note: Neither the Freemasons nor their creations, the Socialists and the Communists aim to abolish property, but want to grab it, on behalf

of a Zionist oligarchy of the Jewish Userers, the Central bankers, and thus reduce the people, down to the level of economic slaves, whereby nothing belongs to them. Let us not forget that Karl Marx

was a third cousin of Nathan Mayer Rothschild, the arch-userer and abuser of the right to issue money, which normally belongs to the people and their governments.

That the preparation

and the triumph of the French Revolution were the work of Freemasonry, does not need proof, since Freemasons themselves boast of it. *

* La Franc-Maconnerie et la Preparation de la Revolution, by Brother Gaston Martin. Cf. La Dictature des Puissances Occultes,

by Leon de Poncins, p 80-95.

Accordingly, the Declaration of the Rights of Man, is a Freemasonic production. "When the Bastille fell", said Bonnet, the orator at the Grand Orient Assembly in 1904, "Freemasonry had the supreme honour, of giving humanity the chart, which it had lovingly elaborated. It was our Brother, de la Fayette, who first presented the project of a declaration of the natural rights of the man and the citizen living in society", to be the first chapter of the Constitution.

On August 25, 1789, the constituent Assembly, of which more than 300 members were Freemasons, definitely adopted, almost word for word, in the from determined upon in the Lodges, the text of the immortal Declaration of the Rights of Man"

Translator's Note: How honest were the dispositions of Zionism when through the Freemasonic Lodges it promoted the rights mentioned, is shown in the following quote where we mark which ones have been violated in Greece: - The power of things in politics. I repeat today what I have already said, please remember it, that although governments and peoples they do not see anything else, but the outer appearance of things. And how could they distinguish the deeper meaning of them when their representatives think of nothing else, but how they will have fun? It is very interesting, for our policy, to know this detail. It will help us to get to the debate of the division of power, of freedom of speech, the press, (violated) of freedom of conscience, (violated) of the right of association, of equality before the law, (violated) the inviolability of property, (violated) of the home's asylum, (violated) of taxes and charges of the retroactive effect of the laws. - The genius of decay. All these issues are such that we should never mention them directly and openly before the people. When the circumstances are such, that it is necessary to address them, we should not list them, but we should preach in general, that the principles of the new law are recognized by us. The importance of being silent about these, is the following, that a principle, which is not stated, leaves us free to exclude this or that without the people understanding what we did, whilst if we state them, it would have been necessary to acknowledge them without reservation. The people have a special love and great appreciation for the political intelligences and characterizes all their violent acts with the expressions: "It is not moral, it is not moral at all, but it is ingenious! .., it is a malicious plot in essence, but well played!" Source: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion - Chapter 10

Given the naturalism of Freemasonry, the Declaration then, is simply a formal renunciation of allegiance to Christ the King, of Supernatural Life, and of membership of His Mystical Body.

The French State thereby officially declared that it no longer acknowledged any duty to God, through our Lord Jesus Christ, and no longer recognised the dignity of membership of Christ in it's citizens. It thus inaugurated the attack on the organisation of society under Christ the King, which has continued down to the present day.

That was only the first step. "The subsevience of Freemasonry with regard to the Jews", writes l' abbe Joseph Lemann, "soon showed itself. How ? When the question of Jewish emancipation came

to be examined by the Constituent Assembly (1789-1791) the deputies who took upon themselves the task of getting it voted were all Freemasons.

Mirabeau gave it, the persevering help of his eloquence, and Mirabeau was a Freemason of the higher degree, intimate with Weishaupt and his associates, and closely linked up with the (Kabbalist) Jews of Berlin. When, after having hesitated for two years, the Constituent Assembly in its second-last meeting, was still hesitating, it was the Freemason and Jacobin A. Duport, who demanded the vote with threats ... Such was the first secret service rendered to (Kabbalistic) Judaism by Freemasonry. After that one, others will follow".

By the Revolution of 1789 then,

the French State not only decreed the ostracism of the True Supernatural Messiah and His Programme but admitted to full citizenship the members of the Jewish nation, thus allowing them to work freely for the anti-Supernatural domination of their nation.

Modern history since 1789 is, to a large extent, the account of the domination of State after State by the anti-Supernatural supranationalism of the Jewish nation. That is why, the post-Revolutionary epoch, has witnessed in country after country, persistent attacks upon the Program of Christ the King.

After every succesful Freemasonic Revolution, since the first in 1789, down to and including the Spanish Revolution in 1931, the world soon began to hear of the country's entering

upon the path of "progress" by the introduction of "enlightened" reforms, such as the separation of Churcfh and State (or the putting of all religions on the same level). the legalisation of divorce, the secularisation of schools, the suppression and banishment of religious order and congregations, the glorification of Freemasonry, the nationalisation of property and the unrestrained licence of the Press.

The process of elimination of the union of nations through the Mystical Body of Christ, and the substitution therefore

by the naturalistic domination of the Jewish nation, seems to be now, on the verge of triumph.

Back in 1922, the Assembly of the Grand Lodge of France insisted that amongst the tasks lying ahead was "the creation of a European spirit ... the formation of the United States of Europe, or rather the Federation of the World".

On this side of the Iron Curtain and in the USA nations are being invited to give up their national sovereignty to enter a Federation in which

those who control World-Freemasonry would certainly yield enormous power and in which the Authentic Teacher of the Moral Law, would not be listened to. *

* For an outline of the antecedents and preparations for the United States of Europe see: The United States of Europe Conspirators, by B. Jensen See also,

"Hollywood Reds are on the Run" by Myron C. Fagan. Myron C. Fagan - Red Stars Over Hollywood (1968) [Speech]

On the far side of the Iron Curtain, we see the continuation

of what was stated by Mr. Oudendyke, the Dutch Minister at St. Petersburg, published in the British White Paper of April 1919. "Unless Bolshevism is nipped in the bud immediately it is bound to spread in one form or another all over Europe and the whole World, as it is organised and worked by Jews

who have no nationality and whose one objective is to destroy, for their own ends, the existing order of things".

Source: Grand Orient Freemasonry unmasked

Minas G. Malakos, for the "Greeks Helping Each Other"

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