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Illuminati and the CFR part 2/3



1. The murder of captain William Morgan in 1826, at the borders near the Niagara Gorge by the Illuminatous Richard Howard 2. The creation of Communism in a 1850 Illuminati meeting in New York 3. The creation of Nitseism and Fascism by Karl Ritter of Frankfurt University and Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche 4. Giuseppe Mazzini (1834-1872) enticed Albert Pike into the Illuminati 5. Albert Pike's 3 World Wars Plan 6. During the the American Civil War Abraham Lincoln rejected dealing with the Rothschilds and he was assasinated. 7. After the American Civil War Jacob Schiff arrived in New York - to acquire control of America's money system - to find Stooges for the great conspiracy - to create strife between whites and blacks - to destroy Christianity in the United States 8. In Order to acquire control of America's money system Jacob Schiff bought the Kuhn & Loeb Bank 9. Next he offered European stock and bond issues to J.P. Morgan and Wall Mart? to get Wall Street cooperation 10. Next Jacob Schiff financed the Standard Oil Company for Rockeffeler the railroad Empire for Harriman and the steel Empire for Carnegie 11. According to the US Constitution solely the Congress has control of the money system 12. In Order to pass the Federal Reserve Act Schiff needed to plant stooges in the Congress and a stooge President in the White House 13. How the Democratic Party became Schiff's tool 14. Around 1890, Pogroms stages by the Rothschilds forced jews from East Europe to come to the USA and become the spine of the Democratic Party 15. Schiff and his co-conspirators were also perfecting plans to destroy the unity of the American people with an explosive and terrifying racial upheaval that would tear the people into hate fractions and create chaos throughout the nation. The Jewish people were made fearful by the pogroms and could not create the necessary violence A sleeping minority group, the Negroes, could be sparked into demonstrations rioting looting murder and lawlessness. All that was necessary, was to incite and arouse them with staged events and their own media. 16. The National Association for the Advancement of the colored people (NAACP) and The Anti-Defamation Legue of B'nai B'rith were Schiff's tools to create racial strife 17. The Melting Pot (1910) by Israel Zangwill the propaganda to incite negroes and jews 18. A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century by Israel Cohen 19. The Negroes in a Soviet America official pamphlet published in 1935 by New York Communist Party 20. the communist regime is directly controlled by the American Jacob Schiff and London Rothschilds 21. Earl Warren, the Supreme Court judge who issued the desegregation decision in 1954 also prohibited Christian prayers and Christmas carols in US schools 22. It is up to the American people to demand an investigation by Congress of CFR, ADL, the NAACP and UN traitors 23. The Jekyl Island Conspiracy to create the Federal Reserve Bank 24. How treasonous was the Federal Reserve Act 25. The Federal Reserve Conspiracy by Eustace Mullins, published in 1954 26. The Illuminati calls for the Confiscation of ALL PRIVATE PROPERTY - a progressive graduated income tax - the sixteenth amendment 27. The Tax Free Foundations of the Elite 28. How they engineered WWI to make people ask for peace through a One-World Government *** The Balfour Declaration Story 29. Wilson's chief appeal in the campaign for re-election in 1916 was to reelect the man who will keep your son's out of the war. When he was re-elected, he used the pre-arranged sinking of the Lusitania to hurl the US into WWI in 1917. 30. The Illuminati caused the Bolsevik revolution with a mercenary army of American Jews from Bronx led by Trotsky who was at Rockefeller's house in NY and Lenin whom the Warburgs brought from Switzerland to Kill the Tsar because he torpedoed Nathan Rothschild's plan for One World Government in the Congress of Vienna 1815 and to Bring Communism to Russia 31. Cholly Knickerbocker, of the Hearst newspaper published an interview with John Schiff, grandson of Jacob in which young Schiff confirmed the entire story and revealed that old Jacob contributed 20 million dollars 32. The failure of Wilson to get the USA in the League of Nations 33. The Illuminati failure to control of the Mass Media 34. The CFR the main Illuminati tool 35. The CFR Subsidiaries 36. The control of the press was assigned to Rockefeller 37. The CFR organised WWII as a result of their failure in WWI to bring the One World Government

Source: Illuminati and the CFR, by Myron C. Fagan (1967)


1. The murder of captain William Morgan in 1826, at the borders near the Niagara Gorge by the Illuminatous Richard Howard

but now for a moment let's dwell on the activities of the Illuminati in the United States

in 1826 one captain William Morgan decided it was his duty to inform all Masons and the general public what the full truth was regarding the Illuminati their secret plans and intended objectives also reveal the identities of the masterminds of the conspiracy

the Illuminati promptly tried Morgan in absentia and convicted him of treason they ordered one Richard Howard, an English aluminous to carry out their sentence of execution as a traitor.

Morgan was warned and he tried to escape to Canada but Howard caught up with him near the border near the Niagara Gorge to be exact where he murdered him

This was verified, in a sworn statement made in New York, by one Avery Allen, to the effect that he heard Howard, render his report of the execution, to a meeting of Knights Templars, in st. John's Hall New York.

He also told, how arrangements had been made, to ship Howard back to England. that Allan affidavit is on record in New York City archives

Very few Mason's and very few of the general public know, that general disapproval, over that incident of murder caused approximately half, of all the Masons in the northern jurisdiction of the United States, to seceed.

copies of the minutes of the meeting held to discuss that matter are still in existence in safe hands and that all that secrecy emphasizes the power of the masterminds of the Illuminati to prevent such terrible events of history from being taught in our schools

2. The creation of Communism in a 1850 Illuminati meeting in New York

In the early 1850s, the Illuminati held a secret meeting in New York which was addressed by a British Illuminist named Wright. Those in attendance were told that the Illuminati was organizing to unite the nihilist and atheist groups with all other subversive groups into an international to be known as communists. That was when the word communists first came into being, and it was intended to be the supreme weapon and scare word, to terrify the whole world, and drive the terrorized peoples into the Illuminati one-world scheme. This scheme, communism, was to be used to enable the Illuminati to foment future Wars and revolutions.

*** translator's note: In 1829, the Illuminati held a secret meeting in New York, which was addressed by a British Illuminist named Frances "Fanny" Wright, from Scotland, who was an associate of socialist Robert Dale Owen. She had come to America in 1818, then again in 1824. In 1828, she became the co-editor of the New Harmony Gazette with Owen. In 1829, they moved to New York, and called their publication the Free Enquirer.

At the meeting, she spoke of equal rights, atheism, and free love, as she promoted a Women's Auxiliary of the Illuminati. Those present were told that an international movement of subversives was being developed along the lines of Illuminati principles, who would be used to ferment future wars. They were to be known as "communists."

This movement was to be used to make the idea of a one-world government more appealing by bringing chaos to the world through war and revolution, so the Illuminati could step in to create order. Source: Final Warning: A History of the New World Order by David Allen Rivera, THE ILLUMINATI IN THE UNITED STATES *** end of translator's note

Clinton Roosevelt, a direct ancestor of Franklin Roosevelt, Horace Greeley and Charles Dana, foremost newspaper publishers of that time, were appointed to head a committee, to raise funds for the new venture.

Of course most of the funds were provided by the Rothschilds, and this fund was used to finance Κarl Μarx and Εngels, when they wrote "Das Kapital" and "The Communist Manifesto" in Soho England. And this clearly reveals that communism is not a so-called ideology, but a secret weapon, a bogeyman word, to serve the purpose of the Illuminati.

Weishaupt died in 1830 but prior to his death he prepared a revised version of the age-old conspiracy, the Illuminati, which under various aliases was to organize, finance, direct and control, all international organizations and groups, by working their agents into executive positions at the top.

In the United States we have Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Jack Kennedy, Johnson, Rusk, McNamara, Fulbright etc as prime examples.

3. The creation of Nitseism and Fascism by Karl Ritter of Frankfurt University and Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

In addition, while Karl Marx was writing the Communist Manifesto, under the direction of one group of Illuminists, professor Karl Ritter of Frankfurt University, was writing the antithesis, under direction of another group.

The idea was, that those who direct the overall conspiracy, could use the differences in those two so-called ideologies, to enable them, to divide larger and larger members of the human race, into opposing camps, so that they could be armed and then brainwashed into fighting and destroying each other, and particularly to destroy all political and religious institutions.

The work Ritter started, was continued after his death and completed, by the German so-called philosopher Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche who founded Nietzsche-ism this Nietzsche-ism was later developed into Fascism and then into Nazi-ism and was used to foment World Wars I and II.

*** Σημείωση του Μεταφραστή

Το Δίπολο των Ιλλουμινάτων: Όταν κάποιος υποστηρίζει μιά οποιαδήποτε θεωρία, θα υπάρξουν αυτοί που θα την αποδεχθούν και αυτοί που θα σταθούν απέναντι της. Η ιδιοφυής λοιπόν τακτική των Ιλλουμινάτων, είναι η δημιουργία διπόλων, δηλαδή δύο πόλων που ενώ φαινομενικά συγκρούονται μεταξύ τους, στην πράξη ελέγχονται και κατευθύνονται από το ίδιο μυστικό κέντρο, τους Ιλλουμινάτους. Έτσι όποιος ταχθεί είτε με την μία είτε με την άλλη πλευρά, ουσιαστικά εξυπηρετεί τα σχέδια τους. Έτσι βλέπουμε τους αρχαιολάτρες μασώνους της Ερεσσού 38, με ηγέτη τον Ραφαήλ Ντε Σιγκούρα, να βρίζουν τον Γιαχβέ των Ιεχωβάδων, με ηγέτρια την Μάργκαρετ Τσαντ Παπανδρέου, και να μην λένε κουβέντα γιά την Αγία Τριάδα των Ορθοδόξων. αφού σκοπός τους είναι, να οδηγήσουν αυτούς που τους αντιτίθενται, στην αγκαλιά των Ιεχωβάδων.

Η Απάτη του Μαρξισμού: Ο Κάρλ Μάρξ, ή Κεζιλέ Μαρδοχαίος, ήταν εβραίος, γιός ραββίνου, και μασώνος. Η μασωνία είναι θρησκεία, με θεό τον Σατανά. Δεν ήταν λοιπόν άθεος, αλλά ήθελε να οδηγήσει τους Χριστιανικούς λαούς μακριά από τον Χριστό. Επιπλέον, ο Μάρξ ήταν τρίτος ξάδελφος του Ρότσιλντ. Η δυναστεία των εβραίων τοκογλύφων Ρότσιλντ, έχει σχεδόν όλες τις κεντρικές τράπεζες, και έχει σφετεριστεί το δικαίωμα των λαών να τυπώνουν το εθνικό τους νόμισμα. Αυτή είναι η Μεγαλύτερη Ληστεία στην Ιστορία της Ανθρωπότητας. Η Δυναστεία Ρότσιλντ, με την εκτύπωση νομίσματος δημιουργεί αξία από αέρα κοπανιστό (όταν πάνω σε ένα μηδενικής αξίας χαρτάκι πατάς μιά σφραγίδα 500 ευρώ η 1000 δολλάρια), με την οποία μας παίρνουν πραγματικά αγαθά, εργασία, ή γη, με κάτι που δεν τους κόστισε ΤΙΠΟΤΑ. Έτσι έχουμε καταντήσει, να τους ανήκει το ένα τρίτο, ίσως και η μισή γη. Η δυναστεία Ρότσιλντ, είναι αιμομίκτες, με όρο της διαθήκης του γενάρχη τους, πρέπει να παντρεύονται με αδέλφια ή ξαδέλφια τους, έτσι ώστε το χρήμα και η εξουσία να μένει στα χέρια τους. Το γελοίο είναι, ότι αυτοί οι αιμομίκτες μαφιόζοι λένε εμάς ρατσιστές, επειδή λέμε το προφανές, ότι δηλαδή, η Ελλάδα ανήκει στους Έλληνες. Γιά να καλύψει ο Μάρξ τον ΛΗΣΤΗ ξάδελφο του, παρουσίασε μία θεωρία, που ρίχνει το βάρος στους επιχειρηματίες κάθε κράτους, οι οποίοι στην πράξη παράγουν τον εθνικό πλούτο. Έτσι, ενώ το γενικό εθνικό συμφέρον προτάσει σε κάθε επιχείρηση να υπάρχει η καλύτερη δυνατή συνεργασία, ώστε να βγεί το πιό ανταγωνιστικό προιόν, και να προκύψει το μέγιστο δυνατό δίκαιο μερίδιο γιά κάθε συντελεστή παραγωγής, όπως γίνεται σε ένα μουσικό συγκρότητα, ή σε μία ομάδα ποδοσφαίρου, οι μαρξιστές υπονομεύουν την παραγωγικότητα, γιατί στόχος τους είναι να πέσουν έξω οι εθνικές επιχειρήσεις και να καταλήξουν στα χέρια των σιωνιστών. Και επειδή θέλουμε να είμασται δίκαιοι, ο Μάρξ αναγνώρισε ότι η εισροή μεταναστών σε μία χώρα, όταν αυτή διέπεται από μνημόνια και υψηλή ανεργία, προκαλεί κατάρευση των μισθών και συνθήκες δουλείας. Άρα όλοι αυτοί που φωνάζουν "είμασται όλοι μετανάστες", κάθε άλλο παρά μαρξιστές είναι. Βλέπετε το σχέδιο Καλέργη, και ο πολιτιστικός Μαρξισμός, έπεται χρονικά, στα σχέδια των σιωνιστών Παγκοσμιοποιητών, και δεν είχε περιληφθεί στα κείμενα του Μάρξ.

*** Τέλος σημείωσης του Μεταφραστή

4. Giuseppe Mazzini (1834-1872) enticed Albert Pike into the Illuminati

in 1834 the Italian revolutionary leader Giuseppe Mazzini was selected by the Illuminati to direct their revolutionary program throughout the world.

He served in that capacity, until he died in 1872. But some years before he died Mazzini had enticed an American general named Albert Pike into the Illuminati.

Pike was fascinated by the idea of a one-world government and ultimately he became the head of this Luciferian conspiracy.

5. Albert Pike's 3 World Wars Plan

Between 1859 and 1871 he Pike, worked out a military blueprint for three world wars and various revolutions throughout the world which he considered would forward the conspiracy to its final stage in the 20th century.

Again I remind that these conspirators were never concerned with immediate success they always operated on a long-range view.

Pike did most of his work in his home in Little Rock Arkansas, but a few years later when the Illuminati's lodges of the Grand Orient became suspect and repudiated because of Mazzini's revolutionary activities in Europe, Pike organized what he called the new and reformed Palladian Right.

He set up three supreme councils one in Charleston South Carolina one in Rome Italy and the third in Berlin Germany.

He had Mazzini established 23 subordinate councils in strategic locations throughout the world. These have been the secret headquarters, of the world revolutionary movement, ever since.

Long before Marconi invented radio the scientists in the Illuminati had found the means for Pike and the heads of his counsels, to communicate secretly. It was the discovery of that secret, that enabled intelligence officers to understand how apparently unrelated incidents, one such as the assassination of an Austrian prince at Sarajevo took place simultaneously throughout the world, which developed into a war or a revolution.

Pike's plan was as simple, as it has proved effective.

it called for Communism, Naziism, Political Zionism and other international movements be organized and used to foment three global world wars and at least two major revolutions.

The first world war was to be fought so as to enable the Illuminati to destroy Tsarism in Russia, as vowed by Rothschild, after the Tsar had torpedoed his scheme at the Congress in Vienna, and to transform Russia into a stronghold of Atheistic Communism.

The differences stirred up by agents of the Illuminati between the British and German empires were to be used to foment this war. After the war would be ended, communism was to be built up and used to destroy other governments and weaken religions.

World War II when and if necessary was to be fomented by using the controversies between Fascists and Political Zionists. And here let it be noted, that Hitler was financed by Krupp, the Warburgs, the Rothschilds, and other internationalist bankers, and that the slaughter of the supposed 600,000 Jews by Hitler didn't bother the Jewish internationalist bankers at all. That slaughter, was necessary, in order to create worldwide hatred of the German people, and thus bring about the war against them.

In short this Second World War was to be fought to destroy Nazism and to increase the power of Political Zionism, so that the State of Israel could be established in Palestine.

During this World War two international communism was to be built up until it equaled in strength that of United Christendom. When it reached that point, it was to be contained and kept in check, until required for the final social Cataclysm.

As we know now, Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin, put that exact policy into effect, and Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson, continued that same exact policy.

World War three is to be fomented by using the so called controversies, the agents of the Illuminati operating under whatever new name, are now stirring up, between the political Zionists and the leaders of the Muslim world.

That war is to be directed in such a manner, that all of Islam and political Zionism, Israel, will destroy each other, while at the same time the remaining nations, once more divided on this issue, will be forced to fight themselves, into a state of complete exhaustion, physically mentally spiritually and economically.

Now can any thinking person doubt, that the intrigue now going on in the near Middle and Far East, is designed to accomplish that satanic objective?

Pike himself, foretold all this, in a statement he made to Mazzini, on August 15 1871.

Pike stated, that after World War 3 is ended those who will inspire to undisputed world domination will provoke the greatest social Cataclysm the world has ever known.

quoting his own words taken from the letter he wrote to Mazzini and which letter is now cataloged, in the British Museum in London England, he said:

We shall unleash the nihilists and the atheists and we shall provoke a great social Cataclysm which in all its horror we'll show clearly to all nations the effect of absolute atheism the origin of savagery and of most bloody turmoil.

Then everywhere the people forced to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitudes disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will be from that moment on without direction and leadership, and anxious for an ideal but without knowledge where to send its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out into public view. A manifestation which will result from a general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.

when Mazzini died in 1872 Pike made another Italian revolutionary leader named Adrian Lemmy his successor. Lemmy in turn, was succeeded by Lenin and Trotsky then by Stalin.

The revolutionary activities of all those men were financed by British, French, German and American international bankers. All of them dominated by the House of Rothschild.

We are supposed to believe that the international bankers of today are only the tools are agents of the great conspiracy, but actually they are the masterminds behind all of it.

While the general public has been brainwashed by all the mass communications media, into believing that communism is a movement of the so-called workers, the actual fact is, that both British and American intelligence officers have authentic documentary evidence, that international liberals, operating through their international banking houses, particularly the House of Rothschild, have financed both sides in every war and revolution since 1776.

Those who today comprise the conspiracy, the CFR in the United States, direct our governments, whom they hold in usury through such methods as the Federal Reserve System in America to fight wars, such as Vietnam created by the United Nations.

So as to further Pike's Illuminati plans to bring the world to that stage of the conspiracy, when atheistic communism and the whole of Christianity, can be forced into an all-out third world war, within each remaining nation as well as on an international scale.

The headquarters of the great conspiracy, in the late 1700s, was in Frankfurt Germany, where the House of Rothschild, had been established by Mayer Amschel Bauer, who adopted the Rothschild name, and linked together other international financiers, who had literally sold their souls to the devil.

After the Bavarian government's exposure in 1786, the conspirators moved their headquarters to Switzerland, then to London.

Since World War two, after Jacob Schiff, the Rothschilds boy in America died, the headquarters of the American branch, has been in the Harold Pratt building New York and the Rockefellers, originally protegees of Schiff, have taken over the manipulation of finances in America, for the Illuminati.

In the final phases of the conspiracy, the one world government will consist of the king dictator, head of the United Nations the CFR, and a few billionaires economists and scientists, who have proved, their devotion to the great conspiracy.

All others are to be integrated into a vast conglomeration of mongrelized humanity, actually slaves.

Now let me show you, how our federal government and the American people, have been sucked into the one world takeover plot, of the Illuminati great conspiracy.

And always bear in mind, that the United Nations was created, to become the housing, for that one world so-called liberal conspiracy.

The real foundations, of the plot for the takeover of the United States, were laid during the period of our Civil War. Not that Weishaupt and the earlier masterminds, had ever overlooked the new world. As I have previously indicated, Weishaupt had his agents planted over here, as far back as the Revolutionary War, but George Washington was more than a match for them.

++++ democratic party rise to power

NWO efforts after

Judah Benjamin

6. During the the American Civil War Abraham Lincoln rejected dealing with the Rothschilds and he was assasinated.

It was during the Civil War, that the conspirators launched their first concrete efforts.

We know that Judah Benjamin, chief advisor of Jefferson Davis, was a Rothschild agent. We also know that there were Rothschild agents planted an Abraham Lincoln's cabinet who tried to sell him into a financial dealing with the House of Rothschild. But old Abe saw through the scheme and bluntly rejected it, thereby incurring the undying enmity of the Rothschilds, exactly as the Russian Tsar did, when he torpedoed their first League of Nations, at the Congress in Vienna.

Investigation of the assassination of Lincoln revealed that the assassin, Booth, was a member of a secret conspiratorial group. Because there were, a number of highly important government officials involved, the name of the group was never revealed, and it became a mystery, exactly as the assassination of Jack Kennedy still is a mystery, but I am sure it will not for long remain a mystery.

Anyway, the ending of the civil war, destroyed temporarily, all chances of the House of Rothschild, to get a clutch on our money system, such as they had acquired in Britain and other nations in Europe.

I say temporarily, because the Rothschilds and the masterminds of the conspiracy never quit. So they had to start from scratch, but they lost no time in getting started.

7. After the American Civil War Jacob Schiff arrived in New York - to acquire control of America's money system - to find Stooges for the great conspiracy - to create strife between whites and blacks - to destroy Christianity in the United States

Shortly after the Civil War, a young immigrant, who called himself Jacob Henry Schiff, arrived in New York.

Jacob was a young man with a mission for the House of Rothschild. Jacob was the son of a rabbi, born in one of Rothschilds houses in Frankfurt Germany.

I won't go deeply into his background. The important point is, that Rothschild recognized in him, not only a potential money wizard, but more important, he also saw the latent Machiavellian qualities in Jacob, that could as it did, make him an invaluable functionary, in the great one-world conspiracy.

After a comparatively brief training period in the Rothschilds London Bank, Jacob left for America, with instructions to buy into a banking house, which was to be the springboard, to acquire control of the money system of the United States.

Actually Jacob came here to carry out four specific assignments

Number one and most important, was to acquire control of America's money system.

Number two find desirable men who, for a price, would be willing to serve as Stooges for the great conspiracy, and promote them into high places in our federal government, our Congress in the US Supreme Court, and all federal agencies.

Number three create minority groups strife throughout the nations, particularly between whites and blacks.

Number four create a movement, to destroy religion in the United States, but Christianity to be the chief target.

8. In Order to acquire control of America's money system Jacob Schiff bought the Kuhn & Loeb Bank

Earlier I stated that Jacob Schiff came to America with orders by Rothschild to carry out four specific directives. The first and most important one was to get control of the United States money system.

Let's trace Schiff's steps to accomplish that directive.

As a first step, he had to buy into a banking house but it had to be the kind of a house that he could absolutely control and mold for that primary objective, of entrapping our US money system.

After carefully scouting around Jacob bought a partnership in a firm that called itself Kuhn and Loeb. Like Schiff, Kuhn and Loeb were immigrants from German Jewish ghettos. They came to the United States in the mid 1840s both started their business careers as itinerant pact peddlers.

In the early 1850s they pooled their interests, and set up a merchandising store in Lafayette Indiana, under the firm name of Kuhn & Loeb, servicing the covered wagons settlers on their way west.

In the years that followed they set up similar stores in Cincinnati and St. Louis. Then they added pawn broking to their merchandising pursuits. From that to money lending, was a short and quick step.

By the time Schiff arrived on the scene, Kuhn and Loeb was a well-known private banking firm, and this is the firm Jacob bought into.

Shortly after he became a partner in Kuhn & Loeb, Schiff married Loeb daughter, Teresa. Then he bought out Kuhn interests and moved the firm to New York. And Kuhn and Loeb became Kuhn Loeb & Company international bankers with Jacob Schiff, agent of the Rothschilds, ostensibly the sole owner. And throughout his career this blend of Judas and Machiavelli, the first hierarch of the Illuminati great conspiracy in America, posed as a generous philanthropist and a man of great holiness, the cover-up policy set forth by the Illuminati.

9. Next he offered European stock and bond issues to J.P. Morgan and Wall Mart? to get Wall Street cooperation

As I have stated, the first great step of the conspiracy, was to be the entrapment of our money system. To achieve that objective, Schiff had to get full cooperation of the then big banker elements in America, and that was easier said than done. Even in those years, Wall Street was the heart of the American money Market, and JP Morgan was its dictator. Next in line, were the Drexel's and the Biddle's in Philadelphia. All the other financiers big and little dance to the music of those three houses but particularly to that of Morgan.

All of those three, were proud haughty arrogant potentates. For the first few years, they viewed the little bewhiskered man, from the german ghettos, with utter contempt, but Jacob knew how to overcome that.

He threw a few Rothschild bones to them. Said bones being, distribution in America of desirable European stock and bond issues.

10. Next Jacob Schiff financed the Standard Oil Company for Rockeffeler the railroad Empire for Harriman and the steel Empire for Carnegie

Then he discovered he had a still more potent weapon in his hands in the following:

It was in the decades following our civil war that our industries began to burgeon. We had great railroads to build the oil, mining, steel, textile industries, were bursting out of their swaddling clothes. All that called for vast financing.

Much of that financing had to come from abroad, that meant the House of Rothschild. And that was when Schiff came into his own. He played a very crafty game, he became the patron saint of John D. Rockefeller Edward R. Harriman and Andrew Carnegie.

He financed the Standard Oil Company for rocky the railroad Empire for Harriman and the steel Empire for Carnegie. But instead of hogging all the other industries for Kuhn Loeb & Company, he opened the doors of the House of Rothschild to Morgan Biddle and Drexel.

In turn the Rothschilds arranged the setting up of London, Paris, European and other branches for those three. Always in partnerships with rotschild subordinates, and Rothschild made it very clear to all those men, that Schiff was to be the boss in New York.

Thus at the turn of the century, Schiff had a tight control, of the entire banking fraternity on Wall Street, which by then, with Schiff's help, included Lehman Brothers goldman sachs and other internationalist banks, headed by men chosen by the Rothschilds.

In short that meant control of the nation's money powers, and he was then ready for the giant step, the entrapment of our National money system.

11. According to the US Constitution solely the Congress has control of the money system

Now under our Constitution all control of our money system, is vested solely in our Congress. Schiff's next important step, was to seduce our Congress, to betray that constitutional edict, by surrendering that control, to the hierarchy of the Illuminati's great conspiracy.

12. In Order to pass the Federal Reserve Act Schiff needed to plant stooges in the Congress and a stooge President in the White House

In order to legalize that surrender and thus make the people powerless to resist it, it would be necessary to have Congress enact special legislation.

To accomplish that, Schiff would have to infiltrate Stooges, into both houses of Congress. Stooges powerful enough to railroad Congress into passing such legislation.

Equally or even more important, he would have to plant a stooge in the White House. A president without integrity and without scruples, who would sign that legislation into law. To accomplish that, he had to get control of either the Republican or the Democratic Party.

13. How the Democratic Party became Schiff's tool

The Democratic Party was the more vulnerable. It was the hungrier of the two parties. Except for Grover Cleveland, the Democrats had been unable to land one of their men in the White House, since before the Civil War.

There were two reasons for that number one poverty of the party, number two there were considerably more Republican minded voters than Democrats.

The poverty matter not a great problem but the voter problem was a different story. But as I previously said Schiff was a smart cookie.

Here is the atrocious and murderous method, he employed, to solve that filter problem.

His solution emphasizes how very little the Jewish internationalist bankers care about their own racial brethren, as you shall see.

14. Around 1890, Pogroms staged by the Rothschilds forced jews from East Europe to come to the USA and become the spine of the Democratic Party

Suddenly around 1890, there broke out a nationwide series of pogroms in Russia. Many many thousands, of innocent Jews men women and children, were slaughtered by the Cossacks and other peasants.

Similar pogroms with similar slaughter of innocent Jews broke out in Poland, Romania and Bulgaria. All those pogroms, were fomented by Rothschild agents.

As a result Jewish terrified refugees from all those nations swarmed into the United States. And that continued throughout the next two or three decades, because the pogroms were continuous, through all those years.

All those refugees were aided by self-styled humanitarian Committees, set up by Schiff, the Rothschilds, and all the Rothschild affiliates.

In the main the refugee streamed into New York, but the Schiff-Rothschild humanitarian committees, found ways, to shuffle many of them, into other large cities, such as Chicago Boston, Philadelphia, Detroit, Los Angeles etc

All of them were quickly transformed into naturalized citizens, and educated to register as Democrats. Thus all of that so-called minority group, became solid Democratic voter blocks, in their communities. All controlled and maneuvered by their so-called benefactors, and shortly after the turn of the century, they became vital factors, at the political life of our nation.

That was one of the methods, Schiff employed, to plant men like Nelson Aldrich in our senate, and Woodrow Wilson in the White House.

15. Schiff and his co-conspirators were also perfecting plans to destroy the unity of the American people with an explosive and terrifying racial upheaval that would tear the people into hate fractions and create chaos throughout the nation. The Jewish people were made fearful by the pogroms and could not create the necessary violence A sleeping minority group, the Negroes, could be sparked into demonstrations rioting looting murder and lawlessness. All that was necessary, was to incite and arouse them with staged events and their own media.

At this point, let me remind you of another of the important jobs, that was assigned to Schiff, when he was dispatched to America.

I refer to the job, of destroying the unity of the American people, by creating minority group and racial strife.

By the pogrom driven Jewish refugees into America, Schiff was creating one ready-made minority group for that purpose. But the Jewish people, as a whole made fearful by the pogroms could not be depended upon, to create the violence, necessary to destroy the unity of the American people.

But right within America there was an already made to order, although as yet a sleeping minority group, the Negroes, who could be sparked into so-called demonstrations rioting, looting, murder, and every other type of lawlessness. All that was necessary, was to incite and arouse them.

Together, those two minority groups properly maneuvered, could be used, to create exactly the kind of strife in America, the Illuminati would need, to accomplish their objective.

Thus at the same time that Schiff and his co-conspirators were laying their plans for the entrapment of our money system, they were also perfecting plans, to hit the unsuspecting American people, with an explosive and terrifying racial upheaval, that would tear the people into hate fractions, and create chaos throughout the nation. Especially on all college and university campuses all protected by Earl Warren decisions and our so-called leaders in Washington.

Of course perfecting those plans, requires time and infinitely patient organizing.

16. The National Association for the Advancement of the colored people (NAACP) and The Anti-Defamation Legue of B'nai B'rith were Schiff's tools to create racial strife

Now to remove all doubts I'll take a few moments to give you documentary proof, of this racial strife plot.

First of all they had to create leadership's and organizations, to draw in millions of dupes, both Jewish and Negroes, who would do the demonstrating, and commit the rioting, looting and lawlessness.

So in 1909 Schiff, the Lehman's and other conspirators organized and set up the National Association for the Advancement of the colored people, known as the NAACP.

The president's directors and legal counsels of the NAACP were always white men. Jews appointed by Schiff. And this is the case to this very day

Then in 1913 the Schiff group organized the Anti-Defamation League of the B'nai B'rith, commonly known as the ADL, to serve as the Gestapo and hatchet man outfit, for the entire great conspiracy.

Today this sinister ADL, maintains over 2,000 agencies in all parts of the country, and they advise and completely control every action of the NAACP core, of the Urban League, of all the other so-called Negro civil rights organizations throughout the nation, including such leaders as Martin Lucifer King, Stokely Carmichael, Bayard Rustin, and others of that ilk.

In addition, the ADL acquired absolute control, of the advertising budgets of many department stores hotel chains, and TV and radio industrialists sponsors also advertising agencies, in order to control, practically all the mass communications media, and force every loyal newspaper, to slant and falsify the news, and to further insight, and at the same time create sympathy, for the lawlessness and violence, of the Negro mobs.

17. The Melting Pot by Israel Zangwill the propaganda to incite negroes and jews

Here is documentary proof, of the beginning of their deliberate plot, to foment the Negroes into all their lawlessness.

Around 1910, one Israel Zangwill wrote a play entitled "The Melting Pot". It was sheer propaganda to incite the Negroes and Jews, because the play purportedly visualized, how the American people were discriminating against and persecuting Jews and Negroes.

At that time, nobody seemed to realize, that it was a propaganda play. It was that cleverly written the propaganda was well wrapped up and the truly great entertainment in the play, and it was a big Broadway hit.

Now in those years the legendary Diamond Jim Brady, used to throw a banquet, at the famous Delmonico restaurant in New York, after the opening performance of a popular play. He threw such a party, for the cast of The Melting Pot, its author, producer, and chosen Broadway celebrities.

18. A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century by Israel Cohen

By then, I'd already made a personal mark on the Broadway theater, and was invited to that party. There I met George Bernard Shaw and a Jewish writer named Israel Cohen.

Zangwill, Shaw and Cohen were the triumvirate, who created the Fabian Society in England, and had worked closely with a Frankfurt Jew named Mordecai, who had changed his name to Karl Marx.

But remember, at that time both Marxism and communism were just emerging and nobody paid much attention to either. And nobody suspected the propaganda, in the writings of those three really brilliant writers.

At that banquet, Israel Cohen told me, he was then engaged in writing a book which was to be a follow-up on Zangwill's the melting pot. The title of his book, was to be, a racial program for the 20th century.

At that time, I was completely absorbed, by my work as a playwright, and significant as that title was, his real objective never dawned on me, nor was I interested in reading the book.

But it suddenly hit me, with the force of a hydrogen bomb, when I received a newspaper clipping, of an item, published by the Washington DC Evening Star May 1957.

That item, was a verbatim reprint of the following excerpt, in Israel Cohen's book, a racial program for the 20th century and it reads as I quote:

"We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tension. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races, that for centuries, they have been oppressed by the whites, we can mold them, to the program of the Communist Party.

In America, we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will instill in the whites a guilt complex, for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes, to rise to prominence in every walk of life, in the professions, and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites, and begin a process, which will deliver America to our cause."

That same excerpt, was entered into the Congressional Record of June 7 1957, by representative Thomas G Abernathy. Thus the authenticity of that passage in Cohen's book, was fully established.

19. The Negroes in a Soviet America official pamphlet published in 1935 by New York Communist Party

But the one question that remained in my mind, was whether it represented the official policy, or plot of the Communist Party, or just a personal expression of Cohen himself.

Hence I sought more proof, and I found it.

In an official pamphlet, published in 1935, by the New York Communist Party's official workers library publishers.

That pamphlet, was entitled, "The Negroes in a Soviet America". It urged the Negroes, to rise up, form a Soviet state in the south, and apply for admission to the Soviet Union.

It contained a firm pledge, that the revolt would be supported, by all American Reds and also called liberals.

On page 38, it promised, that a Soviet government would confer greater benefits to Negroes, than to whites.

And again this official communist pamphlet, pledged that I quote "any act, of discrimination or prejudice against a Negro, will become a crime, under the Revolutionary law".

That statement proved, that the excerpt in Israel Cohen's book, published in 1913, was an official Edict of the Communist Party, and directly in line, with the Illuminati blueprint for world revolution, issued by Weishaupt and later by Albert Pike.

20. the communist regime is directly controlled by the American Jacob Schiffs and London Rothschilds

Now there's only one question and that is to prove, that the communist regime is directly controlled by the American Jacob Schiff, and London Rothschild masterminds of the great conspiracy.

A little later I will provide that proof that will remove even a remote doubt that the Communist Party as we know it, was created by those masterminds capitalists, if you will note.

That Schiff, the Warburg's and the Rothschilds planned and financed the entire Russian Revolution, also the murder of the Tsar and his family, and that Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin, took their orders, directly from Schiff and the other capitalists, whom they supposedly are fighting.

*** Σημείωση του Μεταφραστή: Με την λέξη "καπιταλισμός", όταν αυτή αναφέρεται στους εβραίους διεθνείς τοκογλύφους, δεν εννοείται το σύστημα της Ελεύθερης Αγοράς, που έχει αποδειχθεί στην πράξη, το μόνο παραγωγικό, που δημιουργεί τον μέγιστο πλούτο και ευημερία γιά όλους, εκτός από τομείς όπως η δωρεάν παιδεία, και δημόσιες μεταφορές, όπου το κράτος παρεμβαίνει και επιδοτεί τόσο τα έξοδα της εκπαίδευσης, όσο και την τιμή του εισιτηρίου, ώστε να είναι χαμηλή γιά τις ασθενέστερες τάξεις. Δύο ακόμα τομείς που πρέπει να βρίσκονται υπό κρατικό έλεγχο, άν μιλάμε γιά ανεξάρτητα κράτη, και όχι γιά προτεκτοράτα, είναι ο τομέας της ενέργειας και ο τομέας των τηλεπικοινωνιών, επειδή είναι τομείς στρατηγικοί, σε περίπτωση πολέμου, και επειδή πρέπει να διασφαλίζονται τα δικαιώματα του προσωπικού απορρήτου των πολιτών. Στην περίπτωση των εβραίων διεθνών τοκογλύφων, μιλάμε γιά τον μονοπωλιακό καπιταλισμό όπως διατυπώθηκε από τον John D. Rockefeller, με την φράση, ο ανταγωνισμός είναι αμαρτία. Δηλαδή μιλάμε γιά το ακριβώς αντίθετο της ελεύθερης αγοράς, όπου οι επιχειρήσεις που ανήκουν σε μή ελεγχόμενους από τον διεθνή σιωνισμό επιχειρηματίες, σαμποτάρονται από τις μασωνικές ηγεσίες των συνδικάτων, και την υπερφορολόγηση από το μασωνικό κράτος, με αποτέλεσμα να κλείσουν, ή να περάσουν στα χέρια των πολυεθνικών του διεθνούς σιωνισμού, αποδυναμώνοντας τον εθνικό κορμό. Στην περίπτωση σοσιαλιστικών οικονομιών, έτσι και αλλιώς μιλάμε γιά κρατικό μονοπώλιο, όπου μοναδικός εργοδότης, και μοναδικός προμηθευτής, είναι το κράτος, το υποταγμένο στις μασωνικές στοές, με ότι αυτό συνεπάγεται. Πρώτιστο μέλημα λοιπόν, ενός πατριωτικού κινήματος, είναι η δημιουργία ενός συστήματος παραγωγής, από μη μασώνους αυτόχθονες επιχειρηματίες, που θα δίνει απασχόληση στους εκτός μασωνίας αυτόχθονες πολίτες, και θα δημιουργεί πλούτο γιά το έθνος. Αυτό αποτελεί την Οικονομική Αντίσταση, που είναι η βάση, γιά οποιαδήποτε άλλη μορφή αντίστασης, διότι της εξασφαλίζει τους απαραίτητους πόρους. *** τέλος σημείωσης του Μεταφραστή

21. Earl Warren, the Supreme Court judge who issued the desegregation decision in 1954 also prohibited Christian prayers and Christmas carols in US schools

Now can you see, why the vile Earl Warren, and his equally vile co-Supreme Court justices issued that infamous and treasonous desegregation decision in 1954 ?

It was to aid and abet the plot of the Illuminati conspirators to create tension and strife between Negroes and whites.

Can you see why the same Earl Warren issued his decision prohibiting Christian prayers and Christmas carols in our schools ?

It was done to destroy Christianity.

Can you see, why Eisenhower, despite all the rigid constitutional prohibitions, sent federal troops into a southern state, to enforce the desegregation decision. Why Kennedy did likewise.

And can you see, why Johnson and sixty-six senators, despite the protests of 90% of the American people, voted for the councilor treaty, which opens our entire country to Russian spies and saboteurs. All those 66 senators are 20th century Benedict Arnold's

22. It is up to the American people to demand an investigation by Congress of CFR, ADL, the NAACP and UN traitors

It is up to you and you, all of the American people to force Congress, our elected servants to halt in those American traitors for impeachments and that when proven guilty they all be given the punishment prescribed for traitors, who aid and abet our enemies.

And that includes the forcing of rigid investigations by Congress of the CFR and all their fronts such as the ADL the NAACP snick and such Illuminati tools as martin lucifer king.

Such investigations will completely unmask all the leaders in Washington and the Illuminati and all their affiliations and affiliates as traitors, carrying out the Illuminati plot.

It will completely unmask the united nations as the intended crux of the entire plot, and force Congress to take the u.s. out of the UN and hurl the UN out of the U.S. in fact it will destroy the UN, and the entire plot.

Before I close this phase I wish to reiterate and stress one vital point, which I urge you to never forget, if you wish to save our country, for your children and their children.

Here is the point

Every unconstitutional and unlawful act committed - by Woodrow Wilson - by Franklin Roosevelt - by Truman, Eisenhower and Kennedy, and are now being committed by Johnson, is exactly in line, with the Illuminati conspirators centuries-old plot, outlined by Weishaupt and Albert Pike.

Every vicious decision, issued by the traitorous Earl Warren, and his equally traitorous Supreme Court justices, was directly in line, with what the Illuminati blueprint required.

That all the treason, committed by our State Department under Rusk, and earlier by John Foster Dulles and Marshall, also all the treason, committed by McNamara and his predecessors, is directly in line with that same Illuminati blueprint, for the takeover of the world.

Also the amazing treason by various members of our Congress especially by the 66 senators, who signed for the councilor treaty, has been committed, on orders from the Illuminati.

23. The Jekyl Island Conspiracy, in 1913, to create the Federal Reserve Bank

Now I will go back to Jacob Schiff's entrapment of our money system, and the treasonous actions that followed it.

I will also reveal the Schiff-Rothschild control of not only Karl Marx, but of Lenin Trotsky and Stalin, who created the revolution in Russia, and set up the Communist Party.

It was at 1908, that Schiff decided the time had come, for his seizure of our money system. His chief lieutenants in that seizure, were Colonel Edward Mandell House, whose entire career, was that, of chief executive and courier, for Schiff, as I shall show. Bernard Baruch and Herbert Layman.

In the fall of that year, they assembled in secret Conclave, at the Jekyll Island Hunt Club, owned by JP Morgan, at Jekyll Island Georgia.

Among those present were: JP Morgan John D. Rockefeller colonel House senator Nelson Aldrich Schiff, Stillman and Vanderlip, of the New York National City Bank W.N.J. Seligman Eugene Meyer Bernard Baruch Herbert Lehman Paul Warburg.

In short, all of the international bankers in America all of them members, of the hierarchy, of the Illuminati's great conspiracy.

A week later, they emerged with what they called, the Federal Reserve System.

Senator Aldrich was the stooge, who was to railroad it through Congress. But they held that railroading in abeyance, for one chief reason, they would first have to plant their man, an obedient stooge, in the White House, to sign the Federal Reserve Act into law.

They knew, that even if the Senate, would pass that act unanimously, the then newly elected President Taft, would promptly veto it. So they waited.

In 1912, their man, Woodrow Wilson, was elected to the presidency. Immediately after Wilson was inaugurated, senator Aldrich railroaded the Federal Reserve Act, through both houses of Congress, and Wilson promptly signed it, and the Federal Reserve Act became law.

That heinous act of treaso, was committed in December 23 1913, two days before Christmas, when all the members of Congress, except for several carefully picked representatives, and three equally carefully picked senators, were away from Washington.

24. How treasonous was the Federal Reserve Act

How heinously treasonous was that act ? I will tell you.

Our founding fathers, knew full well the power of money. They knew, that whoever had that power, held the destiny of our nation in his hands. Therefore they carefully guarded this power, when they set forth in the Constitution, that Congress, the elected representatives of the people alone, would have that power.

The constitutional language on this point, is brief concise and specific, stated in article 1 section 8 paragraph 5, defining the duties and powers of Congress, and I quote "to coin money, regulate the value thereof, and a foreign coin, and the standard of weights and measures".

But on that tragic, unforgettable day of infamy, December 23, 1913, the men we sent to Washington, to safeguard our interests, the representatives and senators, and Woodrow Wilson, delivered the destiny of our nation, into the hands of two aliens from Eastern Europe, Jacob Schiff and Paul Warburg.

Warburg was a very recent immigrant, who came here, on orders from Rothschild, for the express purpose of blue-printing, that foul Federal Reserve Act.

Now, the vast majority of the American people think, that the Federal Reserve System is a United States government owned agency. That is positively false. All of the stock of the Federal Reserve banks is owned by the member banks. And the heads of the member banks, are all members of the hierarchy, of the great Illuminati conspiracy, known today as the CFR.

25. The Federal Reserve Conspiracy by Eustace Mullins, published in 1954

The details of that act of treason in which many traitorous so-called Americans participated are far too long for this recording. But all those details are available in a book, entitled the Federal Reserve conspiracy written by Eustace Mullins

In that book, Mullins tells the entire horrifying story, and backs it up with unquestionable documentation. Aside from it being, a truly fascinating and shocking story, of that great betrayal, every American should read it, as a matter of vital intelligence, for the time, when the whole American people, will finally come awake, and smash the entire conspiracy. And with God's help that awakening will surely come.

You can get a copy of that book from the publishers, the Christian educational association, 530 Chestnut Street, Union, New Jersey.

26. The Illuminati calls for the Confiscation of ALL PRIVATE PROPERTY - a progressive graduated income tax - the sixteenth amendment

Now if you think, that those aliens, and they're by accident of birth american co-conspirators, would be content with just the control of our money system, you're in for another very sad shock.

The Federal Reserve System, gave the conspirators, complete control of our money system. But in no way touched the earnings of the people, because the Constitution positively forbids, what is now known as the 20% withholding tax.

But the Illuminati blueprint for one world enslavement called for the confiscation of all private property and control of individual earning powers.

This, and Karl Marx stressed that feature in his blueprint, had to be accomplished by a progressive graduated income tax.

As I stated such a tax could not lawfully be imposed, upon the American people, it is succinctly and expressly forbidden by our Constitution. Thus only an amendment to the Constitution could give the federal government such confiscatory powers.

Well that too was not an insurmountable problem for our Machiavellian plotters. The same elected leaders in both houses of Congress, and the same mr. Woodrow Wilson who signed the infamous Federal Reserve Act into law, amended the Constitution to make the federal income tax known as the sixteenth amendment a law of the land. Both are illegal under our Constitution.

In short the same traitors signed both betrayals, the Federal Reserve Act, and the sixteenth amendment, into law.

However, it seems that nobody ever realized, that the sixteenth Amendment was setup, to rob, and I do mean rob the people, of their earnings, via the income tax provision.

The plotters didn't fully use that provision until World War two when that gray humanitarian Franklin Roosevelt, applied a 20% withholding tax, on all small wage earners, and up to 90% on higher incomes. Oh of course he faithfully promised, that it would be only for the duration of the war. But what was a promise, to such a charlatan, who in 1940, when he was running for his third term kept proclaiming ah say again and again and again, that I will never send American boys, to fight on foreign soil.

Remember ? He was proclaiming that, even as he was already preparing to plunge us into World War two by enticing the Japanese, into that sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, to furnish him with his excuse.

And before I forget, let me remind you, that another charlatan, named Woodrow Wilson, used exactly that same campaign slogan in 1916. His slogan was, reelect the man, who will keep your sons out of the war. Exactly the same formula, exactly the same promises, But wait, as Al Jolson used to say, you ain't heard nothing yet.

27. The Tax Free Foundations of the Elite

That sixteenth amendment income tax trap, was intended to confiscate, rob, the earnings only of the common herd, you and me. It was not intended, to even touch the huge incomes of the Illuminati gang, the Rockefellers, the Carnegie's, the Lehman's, and all the other conspirators.

So together with that sixteenth amendment, they created, what they call the tax-free foundations, that would enable the conspirators to transform their huge wealth, into such so-called foundations, and avoid payment of virtually all income taxes. The excuse for it, was that the earnings of those tax-free foundations, would be devoted to humanitarian philanthropy. So we now have, the several Rockefeller Foundation's, the Carnegie Endowment Fund, the Ford Foundation, the Mellon Foundation, and hundreds of similar tax-free foundations.

And what kind of philanthropy do these foundations support ? Well, they financed all the civil rights groups, that are creating all the chaos and rioting, all over the country. They financed the Martin Lucifer Kings. The Ford Foundation finances the Center for the Study of democratic institutions, in Santa Barbara, commonly referred to, as "Moscow West" and which is headed by wonderboy Hutchins, Walter Reuther, Erwin Khanum, and others of that ilk.

In short, the tax free foundation financed those, who are doing the job for the Illuminati great conspiracy.

And what are, the hundreds of billions of dollars, they confiscate every year from the earnings of the common herd, you and me, used for ?

Well, for one thing, there is the foreign aid gimmick, which gave billions to communist Tito, plus gifts of hundreds of jet planes, many of which were turned over to Castro, plus the cost of training communist pilots, so that they can the better shoot down our planes.

Billions to red Poland, billions to India, billions to Sukarno, billions to other enemies of the United States.

That's what, that treasonous Lee railroaded 16th amendment has done to our nation, to the American people, to you and to me, to your children and their children.

Our CFR Illuminati control federal government, can grant tax-free status to all foundations and Pro-red one world outfits, such as the fund for the Republic.

But if you, are a patriotic Pro organization is too outspokenly pro-american, they can terrify and intimidate you, by finding a misplaced comma, in your income tax report, and by threatening you, with penalties fines and even prison.

Future historians will wonder, how the American people could have been so naive and stupid, as to have permitted such audaciously brazen acts of treason, as the Federal Reserve Act and the 16th amendment.

Well they were not naive, and they were not stupid.

The answer is, they trusted the men they elected, to safeguard our country and our people. And they just didn't have even an inkling, about either betrayal, until after each one had been accomplished.

It was the Illuminati controlled, mass communications media, that kept and is keeping our people naive and stupid and unaware, of the treason being committed.

Now, the great question is, when will the people wake up, and do to our traitors of today, what George Washington and our founding fathers, would have done to Benedict Arnold ?

Actually Benedict Arnold was a petty traitor, compared to our present traitors in Washington.


28. How they engineered WWI to make people ask for peace through a One-World Government

Now let's go back to the events, that followed the rape of our Constitution, by the passage of the Federal Reserve Act, and the sixteenth amendment.

With Wilson completely under their control, the masterminds of the great conspiracy, put in motion, their next and what they hoped would be their final steps, to achieve their one-world government.

The first of those steps, was to be world war one.

Why war ? Simple, the only excuse for a one-world government, is that it will supposedly ensure peace. The only thing, that can make people cry for peace, is war.

War brings chaos, destruction, exhaustion, to winner, as well as to loser. It brings economic ruin to both. Most important, it destroys the flower of the young manhood of both.

To the saddened and heartbroken oldsters, the mothers and fathers, who are left with nothing but memories of their beloved sons, peace becomes worth any price.

And that is the emotion, upon which the conspirators depend, for the success of their satanic plot.

Throughout the 19th century from 1814 to 1914 the world as a whole, was at peace.

Such wars, as the Franco-Prussian, our own Civil War, the Russian-Japanese war, were what might be termed, local disturbances, that did not affect the rest of the world.

All the great nations were prosperus, the peoples, staunchly nationalistic, and fiercely proud of their sovereignties. It was utterly unthinkable, that the French and the German peoples, would be willing to live under a one-world government, or the Turks and the Russians, or the Chinese and the Japanese.

Even more unthinkable, that a Kaiser Wilhelm, or a Franz Josef, or a Tsar Nicholas, or any monarch, would willingly and meekly surrender his throne, to a one-world government.

But bear in mind, that the peoples in all nations, are the real power. And only one thing, war, could make the peoples yern and clamor, for a peace ensuring, one world government.

But it would have to be a frightful and horribly devastating war. It could not be just a local disturbing war, between just two nations. It would have to be a World War.

No major nation, must be left untouched, by the horrors and devastation of such a war. The cry for peace, must be made universal.

Actually, that was the format, set by the Illuminati and Nathan Rothschild, at the turn of the 19th century.

They first maneuvered all of Europe into the Napoleonic Wars. Then the Congress in Vienna, which they, and particularly Rothschild, planned to transform into a League of Nations, which was to have been the housing, for their one-world government. Exactly as the present United Nations, were setup, to be the housing, for the forthcoming god forbid one-world government.

Anyway that was the format, the House of Rothschild and Jacob Schiff, decided to employ, to achieve their objective in 1914.

Of course they knew that, that same format, had failed in 1814. But they theorized, that was only because the Czar of Russia had torpedoed that scheme.

Well the present 1914 conspirators, would eliminate that 1814 fly in the ointment. They would make sure, that after the New World War they were conspiring, there'd be no Tsar of Russia around, to throw monkey wrenches into the machinery.

I won't go into how, they accomplished this first step, to launch a world war. History records, that World War one was precipitated by a trivial incident. The kind of incident, both Weishaupt and Albert Pike had incorporated in their blueprints. That incident, was the assassination of an Austrian Archduke, arranged by the Illuminati masterminds, the war followed.

It involved Germany, Austro-Hungary and their allies, so-called the Axis powers, against France, Britain and Russia, called the allies.

Only the United States was not involved, during the first two years.

*** The Balfour Declaration Story is missing here

World War 1 broke out in the summer of 1914. Within two years Germany had won the war. The German submarines, which were a surprise to the world, had swept all the British convoys from the Atlantic Ocean and leaving Britain without ammunition and food for her soldiers.

At that time the French army had mutinied. They lost 600,000 of the flower of French youth in the defense of Verdun on the Somme.

The Russian army was defecting.

And the Italian army had collapsed.

Not a shot had been fired on German soil yet Germany was offering England peace terms.

They offered England a negotiated peace on what the lawyers call a status quo ante basis which means: “Let’s call the war off and let everything be as it was before the war started.”

England, in the summer of 1916, was considering Germany’s peace terms. They had no choice. It was either accepting this negotiated peace that Germany was offering them or going on with the war and being totally defeated.

While that was going on, the Zionists in Germany, led by the Jew, Chaim Weitzman, who later became the 1st President of Israel, went to the British War Cabinet and said: “Don’t capitulate to Germany. You can win this war if the United States comes in as your ally. We can arrange this. But in return, you must promise us Palestine once the tide turns in your favor.”

The Zionist Jew Chaim Weitzman was a Russian born chemist who moved to England in 1904. By 1915, Weitzman had developed a chemical process of producing acetone from maize. Acetone was a vital ingredient in production of artillery shells which Britain and her allies had a short supply of in the beginning of World War I.

It was during this period, that Weitzman, through the mediation of Walter Rothschild, met Sir Arthur James Balfour, the First Lord of the Admiralty, and David Lloyd George, Britain’s Minister of Munitions. Both of these political figures were under the influence of the Rothschild banking dynasty, of which the Zionist Jew, Walter Rothschild, was the head.

It did not hurt Weitzman’s goals, when in 1916 Lloyd George became the British Prime Minister, and Arthur Balfour the Foreign Secretary. It was through this connection that the Balfour Declaration granted “a Jewish homeland within Palestine.”

The Balfour Declaration was officially written to Walter Rothschild in 1919. The Balfour Declaration was merely Great Britain’s promise to pay the Zionists what they had agreed upon for getting the United States into the war.

During this time period in America, President Woodrow Wilson was campaigning for his re-election in 1916 on his popular campaign slogan, “He Kept Us out of War.”

But on April 2, 1917, President Wilson addressed both houses of Congress and pleaded with them to declare war against Germany.

What made Wilson change his mind?

Shortly before President Wilson's re-election, he received a Jewish visitor in the White House by the name of Samuel Untermeyer. The Jew Untermeyer was a prominent New York City attorney of the Law Firm, Guggenheim, Untermeyer, & Marshall. The Firm had as one of its main clients, Kuhn Loeb Bank, of which Jacob Schiff, an agent of Walter Rothschild, was the head.

Both Untermeyer and Schiff contributed generously to the National Democratic Committee that installed President Wilson in the White House in both of his elections.

Untermeyer informed President Wilson that he had been retained to bring a Breach of Promise action against President Wilson. Untermeyer’s client was the former wife of a professor at Princeton University at the same time that Wilson was a professor at Princeton University.

Untermeyer informed Wilson, that his client was willing, to accept $40,000, in lieu of commencing the Breach of Promise action.

Untermeyer produced a packet of letters from his pocket written by President Wilson to his colleague’s wife when they were neighbors at Princeton University. These letters established the fact that an illicit relationship had existed between Wilson and the wife of his Princeton colleague. Wilson immediately acknowledged his authorship of the letters.

Untermeyer then informed Wilson that his former sweetheart was in dire need of $40,000. President Wilson informed Untermeyer that he did not have the $40,000 to pay his blackmailer.

Untermeyer then volunteered to give Wilson’s former sweetheart the $40,000 out of his own pocket - but on one condition: that President Wilson promise to appoint to the first vacancy on the United States Supreme Court, the Zionist and Talmudic Jew, Louis Dembitz Brandeis. Without further talk, President Wilson accepted Mr. Untermeyer’s generous offer.

Then on June 5 1916, nearly one year before Wilson asked Congress to declare war on Germany, Wilson appointed the Zionist Jew, Louis Brandeis, to the Supreme Court.

Many were surprised that Wilson, the son of a Christian minister, would appoint to the highest court in the land the first Jewish Supreme Court Justice in US history.

President Wilson and Justice Brandeis became unusually intimate friends. Brandeis knew the circumstances behind his appointment by President Wilson and Wilson feared him because of it.

Justice Brandeis, through the advice of his Zionist colleague, Rabbi Stephen Wise, volunteered his opinion to President Wilson that the sinking of the S.S. Sussex by a German submarine in the English channel with the loss of lives of US citizens justified a US Declaration of War against Germany.

Relying to a great extent upon the legal opinion of Justice Brandeis, (as well as fear of what Brandeis knew of Wilson’s illicit affair), President Wilson appealed to Congress to declare war against Germany.

This Congress did, on April 6, 1917. The Declaration of War against Germany by the United States guaranteed the Jews throughout the world that Palestine would be turned over to them upon the defeat of Germany even though Britain had already promised it to Trans-Jordan upon the defeat of the Ottoman Empire.

Indeed, Congress declared war against Germany because of Wilson’s assertion that Germany had sunk the S.S. Sussex and that US citizens aboard had perished with the ship. But after General Pershing’s troops were fighting in Europe, the hoax was exposed.

The S.S. Sussex had not been sunk and no citizens of the US had lost their lives. But now the United States was officially at war in Europe. In this war, 115,516 American soldiers were killed and 202,002 were malmed for life.

That is what the Anti-Christian Jews of the world conspired to achieve in their crooked diplomatic underworld.

*** The Balfour Declaration Story ends here

29. Wilson's chief appeal in the campaign for re-election in 1916 was to reelect the man who will keep your son's out of the war. When he was re-elected, he used the pre-arranged sinking of the Lusitania to hurl the US into WWI in 1917.

By 1917, the conspirators had achieved their primary objective. All of Europe was in a state of destitution. All the peoples were war weary, and crying for peace. And the outcome too, was all set. It was to come, as soon as the United States would be hurled in, on the side of the Allies.

And that was all set to happen, immediately after Wilson's re-election. After that, there could be only one outcome, complete victory for the Allies.

To fully confirm my statement, that long before 1917, the conspiracy, headed in America by Jacob Schiff, had it all set, to hurl the United States into that war, I will cite the proof.

When Wilson was campaigning for re-election in 1916, his chief appeal was, reelect the man who will keep your son's out of the war. But during that same campaign, the Republican Party publicly charged, that Wilson had long committed himself, to throw us into the war.

They charged, that if he would be defeated, he would accomplish that act, during his few remaining months in office. But if reelected, he would hold off until after re-election. But at that time, the American people looked upon Wilson, as a god man.

Well, Wilson was re-elected, and as per the schedule of the conspirators, he hurled us into the war in 1917. He used the sinking of the Lusitania, as an excuse. A sinking, which also was pre-arranged.

Roosevelt, also a God man, in the eyes of the American people, followed the same technique in 1941, when he used the prearranged Pearl Harbor attack, as his excuse, for hurling us into World War II.

Now, exactly as the conspirators planned, victory for the Allies, would eliminate all the Monarchs, of the defeated nations. And leave all their peoples, leaderless, confused, bewildered, and perfectly conditioned, for the one world government, the great conspiracy, intended would follow.

30. The Illuminati caused the Bolsevik revolution with a mercenary army of American Jews from Bronx led by Trotsky who was at Rockefeller's house in New York and Lenin whom the Warburgs brought from Switzerland, to Kill the Tsar, because he torpedoed Nathan Rothschild's plan for One World Government in the Congress of Vienna 1815, and in order to Bring Communism to Russia.

But there still, would be an obstacle. The same obstacle, that had balked the Illuminati and Rothschild, at that Congress in Vienna peace gathering, after the Napoleonic Wars.

Russia would be on the winning side this time, as it was in 1814. Therefore the Tsar, would be securely on his throne. Here it is pertinent to note, that Russia under the Czarist regime, had been the one country, in which the Illuminati, had never made any headway, nor had the Rothschilds ever been able, to infiltrate their banking interests.

Thus a winnings Tsar, would be more difficult than ever, to cope with, even if he could be enticed into a so-called League of Nations. It was a foregone conclusion, that he would never, but never, go for a one-world government.

So even before the outbreak of World War one, the conspirators had a plan in the making, to carry out Nathan Rothschilds vow of 1814, to destroy the Tsar, and also murder, all possible royal heirs to the throne. And it would have to be done, before the close of the war, and the Russian Bolsheviks, were to be their instruments, in this particular plot.

From the turn of the century, the Chiefs of the Bolsheviks, were Nikolai Lenin, Leon Trotsky, and later Joseph Stalin. Of course, those were not their true family names.

Prior to the outbreak of the war, Lenin headquartered in Paris, after the outbreak, Switzerland became his haven. Trotsky's headquarters, were on the Lower East Side in New York, largely the habitat of Russian Jewish refugees.

Both Lenin and Trotsky, were similarly bewhiskered and unkempt. In those days, that was the badge of Bolshevism. Both lived well, yet neither had a regular occupation, neither had any visible means of support, yet both always had plenty of money.

All those mysteries were solved in 1917. Right from the outset of the war, strange and mysterious goings-on, were taking place in New York.

Night after night, Trotsky darted furtively, in and out of Jacob Schiff's palatial mansion. And in the dead of those same nights, there were gatherings of hoodlums, of New York's Lower East Side, all of them Russian refugees, at Trotsky's headquarters. And all were going, through some mysterious sort of training process, but it was all shrouded in mystery.

Nobody talked, although it did leak out, that Schiff was financing, all of Trotsky's activities. Then suddenly Trotsky vanished. So did, approximately 300 of his trained hoodlums.

Actually they were on the high seas, in a Schiff chartered ship, bound for a rendezvous with Lenin and his gang in Switzerland. And on that ship, was twenty million dollars in gold. The twenty million dollars Schiff provided, to finance the Bolshevik takeover of Russia.

In anticipation of Trotsky's arrival, Lenin prepared to throw a party, in his Switzerland hideaway. Men of the very highest places in the world, were to be guests at that party. Among them were, the mysterious Colonel Edward Mandell House Woodrow Wilson's mentor and palsy-walsy, and more important Schiff's special and confidential messenger.

Another of the expectant guests was Warburg, of the Warburg banking clan in Germany, who were financing the Kaiser. And whom the Kaiser had rewarded, by making him chief, of the secret police of Germany.

In addition, there were the Rothschilds of London and Paris. Also Litvinov, Kaganovich, Stalin, who was then head of a train and bank robbing gang of bandits. He was known, as the Jesse James of the Urals.

And here I must remind, that England and France, were then long in war with Germany, and that on February 3, 1917, Wilson had broken off, all diplomatic relations with Germany.

Therefore Warburg, Colonel Ηouse the rat, and all those others, were enemies, but of course Switzerland was neutral ground, where enemies could meet and be friends. Especially if they had some scheme in common.

That Lenin party was very nearly wrecked by an unforeseen incident. The Schiff's chartered ship on its way to switzerland was intercepted and taken into custody by a British warship. But Schiff, quickly rushed orders to Wilson, to order the British, to release the ship intact, with the Trotsky hoodlums and the gold.

Wilson obeyed. He warned the British, that if they refused to release the ship, the United States would not enter the war in April, as he had faithfully promised, a year earlier.

The British heeded the warning. Trotsky arrived in Switzerland, and the Lenin party went off as scheduled. But they still faced, what ordinarily would have been, the insurmountable obstacle, of getting the Lenin Trotsky band of terrorists, across the border into Russia.

Well that's where brother Warburg chief of the German secret police came in. He loaded all those thugs into sealed train cars, and made all the necessary arrangements, for the secret entry into Russia.

The rest is history. The revolution in Russia took place, and all members of the Royal Romanov family were murdered.

31. Cholly Knickerbocker, of the Hearst newspaper published an interview with John Schiff, grandson of Jacob in which young Schiff confirmed the entire story and revealed that old Jacob contributed 20 million dollars

Now my chief objective, is to establish, beyond even a remote doubt, that communism so-called, is an integral part of the Illuminati's great conspiracy, for the enslavement of the entire world.

That communism so-called, is merely their weapon and bogeyman word, to terrify the peoples of the whole world. And that the conquest of Russia, and the creation of communism, was in great part, organized by Schiff and the other international bankers, right in our own city, of New York.

A fantastic story ? Yes, some might even refuse to believe it.

Well, for the benefit of any doubting Thomas, I will prove it, by reminding, that just a few years ago Cholly Knickerbocker a Hearst newspaper columnist, published an interview with John Mortimer Schiff, grandson of Jacob, in which young Schiff confirmed the entire story and named the figure, old Jacob contributed, 20 million dollars.

If anybody still has, even a remote doubt, that the entire menace of communism, was created by the masterminds of the great conspiracy, right in our own city of New York, I will cite the following historical fact. All records show that when Lenin and Trotsky, engineered the capture of Russia, they operated as heads of the Bolshevik Party.

Now Bolshevism, is a purely Russian word. The masterminds realized, that Bolshevism, could never be sold as an ideology, to any but the Russian people.

So in April 1918, Jacob Schiff dispatched Colonel House to Moscow, with orders to Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin, to change the name of their regime, to the Communist Party, and to adopt the Karl Marx manifesto, as the constitution of the Communist Party.

Lenin Trotsky and Stalin obeyed, and that year of 1918, was when the Communist Party, and the Menace of communism came into being.

All this is confirmed, in Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, fifth edition. In short communism, was created by the capitalists.

32. The failure of Wilson to get the USA in the League of Nations

Thus until November 11, 1918, the entire fiendish plan of the conspirators worked perfectly.

All the great nations, including the United States, were war weary devastated, mourning their dead. Peace was the great universal desire.

Thus, when it was proposed by Wilson, to set up a League of Nations, to ensure peace, all the great nations, with no Russian Tsar to stand in their way, jumped on that bandwagon, without even stopping, to read the fine print, in that insurance policy.

That is, all but one, the United States, the very one, that Schiff and his co-conspirators, least expected would walk. And that was, their one fatal mistake, in that early plot.

You see, when Schiff, planted Woodrow Wilson in the White House, the conspirators assumed, that they had the United States, in the proverbial bag. Wilson had been perfectly built up, as a great humanitarian. He supposedly became established, as a god man, with the American people.

There was every reason, for the conspirators, to have believed, that he would easily Hornswoggle Congress, into buying the League of Nations, sight unseen. Exactly as the Congress of 1945, bought the United Nations, sight unseen.

But there was one man in the Senate, in 1918, who saw through that scheme, just as the Russian Tsar did, in 1814.

He was a man of great political stature, almost as great as that of Teddy Roosevelt and fully as astute. He was highly respected and trusted, by all members of both houses of Congress, and by the American people.

The name, of that great and patriotic American, was Henry Cabot Lodge. Not the phony of today who called himself Henry Cabot Lodge jr. until he was exposed.

Lodge completely unmasked Wilson, and kept the United States, out of the League of Nations.

Here it becomes of great interest, to know the real reason, for the Wilson League of Nations flop.

As I previously stated, Schiff were sent to the United States, to carry out four specific assignments.

Number one and most important, was to acquire complete control, of the US money system.

Number two, as outlined, in the original Weishaupt Illuminati blueprint, he was to find the right kind of men, to serve as Stooges, for the great conspiracy, and promote them into the highest offices, in our federal government, our Congress, our US Supreme Court, and all federal agencies, such as the State Department, the Pentagon, the Treasury Department, etc.

Number three, destroy the unity of the American people, by creating minority groups strife, throughout the nation. Especially between the whites and blacks, as outlined in Israel Cohen's book.

Number four, create a movement, to destroy religion in the United States, with Christianity to be the chief target or victim.

33. The Illuminati failure to control of the Mass Media

In addition he was strongly reminded, of the imperative directive in the Illuminati blueprint, to achieve full control of all mass communications media, to be used to brainwash the people, into believing and accepting all of the maneuverings of the great conspiracy.

Schiff was warned that only control of the press, at that time our only mass communications media, would enable him, to destroy the unity of the American people.

Now then Schiff and his co-conspirators did set up the NAACP the National Association for the Advancement of the colored people, in 1909.

And in 1913, he set up the anti-defamation league of the B'nai B'rith.

Both were to create a necessary strife, but in the early years the ADL operated very timidly, perhaps for fear of a pogrom like action, by an aroused and enraged American people.

And the NAACP was practically dormant, because its white leadership didn't realize, that they would have to develop firebrand Negro leaders, such as Martin Lucifer King, for one to spark the then completely satisfied contented mass of negroes.

In addition he, Schiff, was busy, developing and infiltrating the Stooges, to serve in all high places in our Washington government, and in the job, of acquiring control of our money system and the creation of the sixteenth amendment. He also was very busy, with the organizing of the plot, for the takeover of russia.

In short, he was kept so busy, with all those jobs, that he completely overlooked the supreme job, of acquiring complete control of our mass communications media.

That oversight, was the direct cause for Wilson's failure, to lure the United States, into the League of Nations. Because when Wilson decided, to go to the people, to overcome the opposition of the large controlled Senate, despite his established but phony reputation as a great humanitarian, he found themself faced, by a solidly united people, and by a loyal press, whose only ideology, was Americanism and the American Way of life.

At that time, due to the ineptness and ineffectiveness of both the ADL and the NAACP, there were no organized minority groups, no Negro problems, no so-called anti-semitic problem, to sway the people's thinking.

There were no lefts, there were no rights, no prejudices for crafty exploitations. Thus Wilson's League of nation appeals fell on deaf ears.

That was the end of Woodrow Wilson, the conspirators' great humanitarian. He quickly abandoned his crusade, and returned to Washington, where he shortly died, an imbecile, brought on by syphilis. And that was the end of the League of Nations, as a corridor into one world government.

34. The CFR the main Illuminati tool

Of course, that debacle was a terrible disappointment, to the masterminds of the Illuminati conspiracy, but they were not discouraged.

As I have previously stressed, this enemy never quits. They simply decided to reorganize and try from scratch again. By this time, Schiff was very old and slow. He knew it, he knew that the conspiracy, needed a new younger and more active generalship. So on his orders, Colonel House and Bernard Baruch organized and set up what they called, "The Council on Foreign Relations". The new name, under which, the Illuminati would continue, to function in the United States.

The hierarchy, officers and directors of the CFR, is composed principally, of descendants of the original Illuminati. Many of whom, had abandoned their old family names, and acquired new Americaniced names.

For one example, we have [C. Douglas] Dillon (1910 - 2003), who was Secretary of Treasury of the United States, whose original name was Lipowski. Another example is [William S.] Paley (1901–1990), head of the CBS TV channel, whose true name is Polinsky.

The membership of the CFR is approximately 1,000 in number, and contains the heads, of virtually every industrial empire in America, such as [Roger M.] Blough (1904–1985) president of the U.S. Steel Corporation, Rockefeller king of the oil industry, Henry Ford ii and so on, and of course all the international bankers, also the heads of the tax-free foundations, our officers and/or active CFR members.

In short, all the men who provide the money and the influence, to elect, the CFR chosen presidents of the United States, congressmen, senators, and who decide the appointments of our various secretaries of state, of the Treasury, of every important federal agency, are members of the CFR, and very obedient members indeed.

Now, just to cement that fact, I will mention the names of a few of the United States presidents who were members of the CFR: Franklin Roosevelt Herbert Hoover Dwight D. Eisenhower Jack Kennedy

Others who were considered for the presidency are

Thomas E Dewey,

Adlai Ewing Stevenson II (1900–1965) [an American lawyer, politician, and diplomat. Raised in Bloomington, Illinois, Stevenson was a member of the Democratic Party.[1] He served in numerous positions in the federal government during the 1930s and 1940s, including the Agricultural Adjustment Administration, Federal Alcohol Administration, Department of the Navy, and the State Department. In 1945, he served on the committee that created the United Nations, and he was a member of the initial U.S. delegations to the UN. He was the 31st governor of Illinois from 1949 to 1953, and he won the Democratic Party's nomination for president in the 1952 and 1956 elections. In both the 1952 and 1956 elections, Stevenson was defeated in landslides by Republican Dwight D. Eisenhower. He unsuccessfully sought the Democratic presidential nomination for a third time at the 1960 Democratic National Convention. After President John F. Kennedy's election, he appointed Stevenson as the United States Ambassador to the United Nations. Stevenson served from 1961 until his death in 1965 from a heart attack in London, following a United Nations conference in Switzerland. Source:]

Nixon, and vice-president, of a CFR subsidiary, Barry Goldwater.

Among the important cabinet members of the various administrations, we have: John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles, Cordell Hull, John J. McCloy, Morgenthau, Clarence Dillon, Rusk, McNamara.

And just to emphasize the red color of the CFR, we have as members, such men as:

Alger Hiss (1904–1996) [an American government official accused in 1948 of spying for the Soviet Union in the 1930s, but statutes of limitations had expired for espionage. He was convicted of perjury in connection with this charge in 1950. Before the trial he was involved in the establishment of the United Nations both as a U.S. State Department official and as a U.N. official. source:]

Ralph Johnson Bunche (1904–1971), [was an American political scientist, academic, and diplomat who received the 1950 Nobel Peace Prize for his late 1940s mediation in Israel. He was the first African American to be so honored. He was involved in the formation and administration of the United Nations and played a major role in numerous peacekeeping operations sponsored by the UN. In 1963, he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President John F. Kennedy.[1] Bunche served on the US delegation to both the Washington Conversations on International Peace and Security Organization in 1944 and United Nations Conference on International Organization in San Francisco in 1945 that drafted the UN charter. Bunche served on the American delegation to the first session of the United Nations General Assembly in 1946. He then joined the UN as head of the Trusteeship Department, and began a long series of troubleshooting roles. In 1948 he became an acting mediator for the Middle East, negotiating an armistice between Egypt and Israel. For this success he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1950. He continued to serve at the United Nations, working on crises in the Sinai (1956), the Congo (1960), Yemen (1963), Cyprus (1964) and Bahrain in 1970, reporting directly to the UN secretary general. He also chaired study groups dealing with water resources in the Middle East. In 1957 he was promoted to Undersecretary for special political affairs, having prime responsibility for peacekeeping roles. In 1965 he supervised the cease-fire following the war between India and Pakistan. He retired from the UN in 1971.[2] *** Arab–Israeli conflict and Nobel Peace Prize Beginning in 1947, Bunche was involved with trying to resolve the Arab–Israeli conflict in Palestine. He served as assistant to the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine, and thereafter as the principal secretary of the UN Palestine Commission. In 1948, he traveled to the Middle East as the chief aide to Sweden's Count Folke Bernadotte, who had been appointed by the UN to mediate the conflict. These men chose the island of Rhodes for their base and working headquarters. In September 1948, Bernadotte was assassinated in Jerusalem by members of the underground Jewish Lehi group, which was led by Yitzhak Shamir. Following the assassination, Bunche became the UN's chief mediator; he conducted all future negotiations on Rhodes. The representative for Israel was Moshe Dayan; he reported in memoirs that much of his delicate negotiation with Bunche was conducted over a billiard table while the two were shooting pool. Optimistically, Bunche commissioned a local potter to create unique memorial plates bearing the name of each negotiator. When the agreement was signed, Bunche awarded these gifts. After unwrapping his, Dayan asked Bunche what might have happened if no agreement had been reached. "I'd have broken the plates over your damn heads," Bunche answered. For achieving the 1949 Armistice Agreements, Bunche received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1950.[12][13] He continued to work for the United Nations, mediating in other strife-torn regions, including the Congo, Yemen, Kashmir, and Cyprus. Bunche was appointed Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations in 1968. source:]

[Leo] Pasvolsky (1893–1953), [was a journalist, economist, state department official and special assistant to Secretary of State Cordell Hull. He was one of the United States government's main planners for the post World War II world and "probably the foremost author of the UN Charter."[1] Thomas Connally said in his memoirs "Certainly he had more to do with writing the framework of the charter than anyone else."[2] His New York Times obituary is subtitled "Wrote Charter of World Organization." A short, rotund, mustachioed pipe smoker with a very large and round head, he joked that he might find it easier to roll than to walk. An aide compared him to the third little pig in the Three Little Pigs, Hull called him "Friar Tuck". A hardworking "one-man think tank" for Hull, he preferred to stay invisible, in the background.[3] In the words of Richard Holbrooke, he "was one of those figures peculiar to Washington – a tenacious bureaucrat who, fixed on a single goal, left behind a huge legacy while virtually disappearing from history."[4] Brookings In 1922 he became an economist on the staff of the Brookings Institution, from which he received a Ph.D. in 1936, and which was his institutional base until his death in 1953. In his writings in the 1920s, he argued that the Soviet Union's 1918–1921 war, communism was an ideologically based attempt to realize Marx's vision of socialism or communism, rather than a short-term wartime expedient with no lasting significance.[9] He also wrote critically about Proletkult, saying that its chief characteristic was pretentious artificiality. With foundation of Kultintern he claimed this would reduce the Proletkult movement "not primarily, but exclusively" to a weapon to promote the Bolshevik view of communism.[10] Pasvolsky's book on Bulgaria and others from this period are still regarded as useful surveys by specialists.[11] *** Bureaucrat Early in the first Roosevelt administration, he was hired by Cordell Hull as his personal assistant but returned to Brookings after two years. Later, he worked in the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce of the Department of Commerce (1934–35) and in the Division of Trade Agreements 1935–36 and later in various capacities in the State Department from 1935 to 1946.[12] During the 1930s and 1940s, frequently with Harold G. Moulton, his closest ally and collaborator since the 1920s at Brookings, he envisioned a stable, open world economy based on international political cooperation involving a successor to the League of Nations, wider than an alliance of democracies, and with international police powers. Earlier Brookings studies of the 1920s and 1930s focused on the importance of worldwide demand to the American economy, but by 1941 Paslovsky and Moulton underscored the ever-growing dependence of the American economy on foreign raw materials binding the US more tightly to the world economy. "Even before America entered the war, Pasvolsky was thinking about the postwar world."[13] He joined the Council on Foreign Relations in 1938.[12][14] Along with Norman Davis, Pasvolsky, nicknamed "Pazzy" by some council members, became the main liaison between the Council and the State Department, and regularly attended the Council's Economic and Financial Group meetings in New York.[15] As Hull's assistant, he was on the same level as the six assistant secretaries of state.[16] In September 1939, Hull assigned Pasvolsky to planning for the postwar peace, and at Pasvolsky's suggestion, set up the Advisory Committee on Problems of Foreign Relations. After this became moribund, Hull appointed Pasvolsky the first director of the State Department's new Division of Special Research in February 1941. During 1942 diplomat Charles W. Yost served as Assistant Chief. The two would work together at the Dumbarton Oaks conference, drafting the UN Charter. When the division was split in January 1943 into a Division of Political Studies and a Division of Economic Studies, Pasvolsky continued to supervise them. He was executive officer of the secretive Advisory Committee on Postwar Foreign Policy, which superseded the Division, returning to the broadly based Advisory Committee concept.[17] *** UN planning The work of the Advisory Committee led to the drafting of an outline for a "preliminary UN" by Undersecretary Sumner Welles, based on the design of the League of Nations. Pasvolsky and Hull eventually opposed Welles' draft as being too hastily written. The major split was over whether the organization would have a "regional" nature, perhaps with local councils, in which each great power would have most of the responsibility for its region, or would have more centralized structure. Welles, as well as Winston Churchill (and later, Nelson Rockefeller) favored "regionalism," while Pasvolsky and Hull favored a unitary global body. Roosevelt wavered between the two sides.[17] Throughout 1942, Welles took the lead on planning for the UN and in January 1943 discussed a new and full draft charter with Roosevelt. It incorporated Roosevelt's four power "global policemen" but gave them less than absolute veto powers on an Executive Council with "regional" members too. Welles continued to work on the draft, but after a period of political infighting with Hull, he was forced to resign in August 1943. Subsequently, Hull took charge of UN planning, and appointed Pasvolsky to put together a draft charter, which he produced in August. It retained the Security Council, General Assembly and Secretariat, which Welles and Pasvolsky had agreed on, but downplayed regionalism. With the absence of Welles or any other figure with comparable influence, interest and expertise Pasvolsky's ideas and phrasing dominated the drafting henceforward. Before Hull departed for the Moscow Conference (1943), Pasvolsky advised him that economic reconstruction, especially in the USSR, should be a prioritized, while Isaiah Bowman insisted on territorial agreements restricting Soviet expansion.[18] By February 3, 1944, Roosevelt had approved Pasvolsky's latest draft. It incorporated two major departures "that modulated at least the naked appearance of Big Four dominance". Unlike the League of Nations, it entrusted security matters exclusively to the Security Council. However, it widened the Security Council into an 11-member entity, reducing the dominance of the four big powers that Roosevelt had long envisioned.[19] In 1943 Pasvolsky was placed in charge of International Organization and Security Affairs in the State Department with responsibility for drafting the United Nations Charter; he was present at Bretton Woods and Dumbarton Oaks. He became chairman of the Coordination Committee at the San Francisco United Nations Conference on International Organization, where the charter was negotiated and signed. Secretary Hull depended heavily on Pasvolsky to explain the plans and proposals for the UN to President Roosevelt. Craufurd Goodwin writes "It is striking how close a resemblance Pasvolsky's statement of objectives for the new international organization bears to the positions he had taken with Moulton throughout the previous decade."[20] Another important innovation at Dumbarton Oaks was the Economic and Social Council. Pasvolsky and the new Secretary of State Edward Stettinius, Jr. managed to persuade Roosevelt to drop his idea of adding Brazil as a sixth member of the Security Council. Pasvolsky opposed an absolute veto by permanent members on all Security Council discussions and resolutions as giving these big states too much power, while Hull and the Soviets supported it. His persistence on this issue persuaded Hull and eventually the Soviets to limit the veto to substantive matters only – not allowing it on procedural ones including discussions.[21] *** Critics Pasvolsky had his share of enemies at the State Department. Isaiah Bowman, one of the leading advisers of the State Department, took an instant dislike to Pasvolsky. Bowman, Welles and Pasvolsky engaged in a power struggle over the direction of the Advisory Committee in late 1942.[29] Bowman's differences with Pasvolsky erupted at San Francisco, where he wrote that he was "dangerous to American interests" and that it was "a mistake to put one man with his background into a key position." Pasvolsky resented Bowman equally, and wrote him out of subsequent histories of the UN's founding.[30] IF Stone called Pasvolsky "Kerensky's gift to American foreign policy and political science" and considered that the widely used Brookings publications on US foreign policy prepared under his direction reflected "an ultra-right point of view".[31] Some considered Pasvolsky's Brookings ideas for the world's economic problems simple-minded. Dean Acheson referred disparagingly to the "Hull-Pasvolsky establishment" and wrote that "Leo Pasvolsky was Mr. Hull's principal speech writer. Or one might say, he wrote Mr. Hull's principal speech: for whatever the occasion or title, the speech was apt to turn into a dissertation on the benefits of unhampered international trade and the true road to it through agreements reducing tariffs." [32] Acheson belittled Pasvolsky's postwar planning: The whole effort, except for two results, seems to have been a singularly sterile one, uninspired by gifts either of insight or prophecy. One of these results was the foundation work for the United Nations Charter, the other, which laid an even broader foundation, the education of Senator Arthur Vandenberg to understand that beyond the borders of the United States existed a "vast external realm" which could and would affect profoundly our interests and our destiny.[33] In a 1967 letter, Acheson criticized American moralism in international affairs, which he saw as culminating in "that little rat Leo Pasvolsky's United Nations." [34] source:]

Harry Dexter White, [a jew] real name Weiss [an american spy for the Soviet Union The Case of Harry Dexter White: Monster or Martyr? (2004) by the author of the book, "Treasonable doubt: The Harry Dexter White Spy Case"

Owen Lattimore (1900–1989) [an American author, educator, and influential scholar of China and Central Asia, especially Mongolia. Although he never earned a college degree,[1] in the 1930s he was editor of Pacific Affairs, a journal published by the Institute of Pacific Relations, and then taught at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, from 1938 to 1963. During World War II, he was an advisor to Chiang Kai-shek and the American government and contributed extensively to the public debate on American policy in Asia. From 1963 to 1970, Lattimore was the first Professor of Chinese Studies at the University of Leeds in England.[2] In the early post-war period of McCarthyism and the Red Scare, American wartime "China Hands" were accused of being agents of the Soviet Union or under the influence of Marxism. In 1950, Senator Joseph McCarthy accused Lattimore in particular of being "the top Russian espionage agent in the United States."[2] The accusations led to years of Congressional hearings that did not substantiate the charge that Lattimore had been a spy, and Soviet Venona cables decoded during WWII and declassified decades later, have not yet referred to Lattimore as one of the Soviet agents active in the US. The hearings did document Lattimore's sympathetic statements about Stalin and the Soviet Union, however. Although charges of perjury were dismissed, the controversy put an end to Lattimore's role as a consultant of the U.S. State Department and eventually to his career in American academic life. He died in 1989 in Providence, Rhode Island, having resided in his later years in Pawtucket.[2] Lattimore's "lifetime intellectual project", notes one recent scholar, was to "develop a 'scientific' model of the way human societies form, evolve, grow, decline, mutate and interact with one another along 'frontiers'." He eclectically absorbed and often abandoned influential theories of his day that dealt with the great themes of history. These included the ecological determinism of Ellsworth Huntington; biological racism, though only to the extent of seeing characteristics which grew out of ecology; the economic geography and location theory; and some aspects of Marxist modes of production and stages of history, especially through the influence of Karl August Wittfogel. The most important and lasting influence, however, was Arnold J. Toynbee and his treatment of the great civilizations as organic wholes which were born, matured, grew old, and died. Lattimore's most influential book, The Inner Asian Frontiers of China (1940), used these theories to explain the history of East Asia not as the history of China and its influence on its neighbors, but as the interaction between two types of civilizations, settled farming and pastoral, each of which had its role in changing the other.[3]

Philip Jeffy etc etc

Simultaneously, they were flooding, thousands of homosexuals and other blackmailable characters, into all the federal agencies, from the White House down.

[Do you] remember, Johnson's great friend Jenkins and Bobby Baker ?

Walter Wilson Jenkins (1918–1985) [an American political figure and longtime top aide to U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson. Jenkins' career ended after he was arrested and charged with "disorderly conduct" with another man in a public restroom in Washington, D.C. It happened weeks before the 1964 presidential election, in an era when homosexual behavior was widely condemned. Source:]

Robert Gene Baker (1928–2017) [an American political adviser to Lyndon B. Johnson, and an organizer for the Democratic Party. He became the Senate's Secretary to the Majority Leader. In 1963, he resigned during an investigation by the Democratic-controlled Senate into Baker's business and political activities. The investigation included allegations of bribery and arranging sexual favors in exchange for Congressional votes and government contracts. The Senate investigation looked into the financial activities of Baker and Lyndon Johnson during the 1950s. The investigation of Lyndon Johnson as part of the Baker investigation was later dropped after President Kennedy's assassination and Johnson's ascension to the presidency. Source:]

35. The CFR Subsidiaries

Now there were many jobs the new CFR had to accomplish they required much help. So their first job was to set up various subsidiaries to whom they assigned special objectives.

I can't name all the subsidiaries in this recording but the following are a few: the foreign policy Association FPA the World Affairs Council WAC the Business Advisory Council BAC the notorious ADA (Americans for Democratic Action), virtually headed by Walter Reuther the notorious 1313 in Chicago

Barry Goldwater was and no doubt still is a vice-president of one of the CFR subsidiaries.

In addition, the CFR set up special committees in every state in the Union, to whom they assigned the various local state operations.

Simultaneously the Rothschild set up similar CFR-like control groups in England France Germany and other nations, to control world conditions, and cooperate with CFR, to bring about another world war.

36. The control of the press was assigned to Rockefeller

But the CFR's first and foremost job was to get complete control of our mass communications media.

The control of the press was assigned to Rockefeller. Thus Henry Luce, who recently died, was financed, to set up a number of national magazines. Among them Life, Time, Fortune and others, which publish USSR in America.

[Henry Robinson Luce (1898–1967) was an American magazine magnate born in Dengzhou, Shandong province, China, who was called "the most influential private citizen in the America of his day".[1] He launched and closely supervised a stable of magazines that transformed journalism and the reading habits of millions of Americans. Time summarized and interpreted the week's news; Life was a picture magazine of politics, culture, and society that dominated American visual perceptions in the era before television; Fortune reported on national and international business; and Sports Illustrated explored the world of sports. Counting his radio projects and newsreels, Luce created the first multimedia corporation. He envisaged that the United States would achieve world hegemony, and, in 1941, he declared the 20th century would be the "American Century".[2][3] Source:]

The Rockefellers also, directly or indirectly, financed the Cowles brothers' Look magazine, in the chain of newspapers.

[Look was a biweekly, general-interest magazine published in Des Moines, Iowa, from 1937 to 1971, with more of an emphasis on photographs than articles. A large-sized magazine of 11 in × 14 in (280 mm × 360 mm), it was a direct competitor to Life, which began publication months earlier and ended in 1972, a few months after Look shut down. Gardner "Mike" Cowles, Jr. (1903–1985), the magazine's co-founder (with his brother John) and first editor, was executive editor of The Des Moines Register and The Des Moines Tribune. When the first issue went on sale in early 1937, it sold 705,000 copies.[1][2] *** Notable staff photographers and illustrators Stanley Kubrick Stanley Kubrick was a staff photographer for Look before starting his feature-film career. Of the more than 300 assignments Kubrick did for Look from 1946 to 1951, more than 100 are in the Library of Congress collection. All Look jobs with which he was associated have been cataloged with descriptions focusing on the images that were printed. Other related Kubrick material is located at the Museum of the City of New York.[15] James Karales James Karales was a photographer for Look from 1960 to 1971. Covering the Civil Rights Movement throughout its duration, he took many memorable photographs, including the iconic photograph of the Selma to Montgomery march showing people proudly marching along the highway under a cloudy, turbulent sky.[16] Norman Rockwell Beginning in 1963, Norman Rockwell, after closing his career with the Saturday Evening Post, began making illustrations for Look. Source:]

They also financed a man named Sam Newhouse to buy up and build a chain of newspapers all over the country, and the late Eugen Meyer, one of the founders of CFR, bought - the Washington Post - Newsweek the weekly magazine and other publications

At the same time, CFR began to develop and nurture a new breed of scurrilous columnists, and editorial writers such as: walter Lippmann Drew Pearson the AL sobs Herbert Mathews Erwin Cannon and others of that ilk, who called themselves liberals, who proclaimed that Americanism is isolationism, that isolationism is warmongerism, that anti-communism is anti-semitism and racism.

All that took time of course, but today our entire press, except for some local small-town papers and weeklies published by patriotic organizations, is completely controlled by CFR Stooges. And thus, they finally succeeded in breaking us up, into a nation, of quarreling wrangling squabbling hating fractions.

Now, if you still wonder, about the slanted news and outright lies, you read in your paper, you have the answer.

To - the Lehmans, - Goldman Sachs - Kuhn & Loebs, and - the Warburgs, the CFR assigned the job of getting control of the motion picture industry, Hollywood, radio and television. And believe you me, they succeeded.

If you still wonder, about the strange propaganda broadcasts, by the Ed murrows, Chet Huntley, Howard K Smith, Eric Severide, Drew Pearson, and others of that ilk, you have the answer.

Ιf you wonder about all the smut, sex, pornography, and mixed marriage films you see in your movie theater and on your TV set, all of which is demoralizing our youth, you have the answer.

The whole story, of the CFR conspiracy takeover, of our mass communications media, is far too long, to include in this recording. But you can find it, in the news bulletin number 125, entitled "How to get the Reds, out of communications media".

It was published and brought up to date, by the cinema educational guild. It tells in detail, how the press, the movies, TV and radio, have been and still are used, to brainwash the people, to demoralize our youth, and they have been and still are, encouraging and creating sympathy, for the rioting Negro civil rights lawlessness.

You can get a copy of this news bulletin, by writing to the cinema educational guild, Post Office Box 46205, Hollywood, California.

37. The CFR organised WWII as a result of their failure in WWI to bring the One World Government

Now, to refresh your memory, let's go back for a moment. Wilson's flop had torpedoed all chances, of transforming that League of Nations, into the conspirators hope, for one-world government housing. So the Jacob Schiff plot, had to be done all over again, and they organized the CFR to do it.

We also know, how successfully, the CFR did that job, of brainwashing, and destroying the unity of the American people. But as was the case with the Schiff plot, the climax and the creation of a new housing for their one-world government, required another world war. A war that would be even more horrible and more devastating, than the first world war, in order to get the people of the world, to again clamor for peace, and a means to end all wars.

Comments by; Minas G. Malakos

for the "Greeks helping each other"

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